Political Potpourri: July 22, 2011

Doesn’t saying a candidate’s health “should not be an issue” in and of itself make that candidate’s health an issue? I’m just saying.

Why is it that a firm position that tax hikes are off the table isn’t “open-minded,” but insisting that tax hikes MUST be on the table is? Double standard?

Sen. Tom Coburn on Harry Reid killing Cut, Cap & Balance on Friday:

“We are on the brink of a default and downgrade because Congress refuses to live with its means. Today’s vote shows that, at the end of the day, most politicians would rather lose the country than lose an election. Many career politicians in Washington say they don’t need a balanced budget amendment to balance the budget. Their behavior suggests otherwise. This measure was necessary precisely because career politicians in both parties don’t want to do the hard work of cutting spending.”


The Morning Score reported on Thursday that “The 2012 primary calendar is already unsettled and Colorado may shake things up even more by moving its GOP caucuses to Feb. 6, the current date for Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses.”

And a week before Nevada’s, though the report only mentions Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

We’re the Rodney Dangerfield of early primary/caucus states.

The Morning Score on Friday:

“Two cable network polls released overnight show Texas Gov. Rick Perry within striking distance of Mitt Romney in the 2012 GOP primary, drawing within a few percentage points even before announcing his candidacy. . . . In a Fox News poll published last night, Perry was just 3 points behind Romney, taking 14 percent to the former Massachusetts governor’s 17 percent. A CNN poll released this morning also had Perry at 14 percent, with Romney at 16 percent.”

Richard Viguerie, a founding father of the modern conservative movement, notes in a Time magazine story that displeased conservatives generally kept their powder dry during the George W. Bush’s presidency…until he nominated Harriet Myers to the Supreme Court in 2005.

“From that moment on,” Viguerie said, “conservatives felt comfortable opposing Republican leaders in a way that did not happen before.” These days, he notes, “When you go after Republican leaders, you are mobbed at the end of your speech. The problem has been not with the Democrats. It’s been with the Republicans.”

Exact same thing can be said about Nevada.

Today, GOProud, the only national organization of gay conservatives and their allies, announced that legendary Republican strategist Roger Stone is joining the organization’s Advisory Council. Stone joins me, Margaret Hoover, Grover Norquist, Andrew Breitbart, Liz Mair, Lisa De Pasquale and Christian Josi.

Welcome aboard, Roger.


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