Paultard Gives Sane Paul Supporters Another Black Eye

As if it wasn’t embarrassing enough that some Nevada delegates who were “bound” to vote for Mitt Romney at the GOP convention in Tampa instead cast their vote for Ron Paul, but now comes a Reno Gazette-Journal story today about three Paul electors – the folks who make up the Electoral College which actually elect our president – might not vote for Romney even if he wins their state.

And sure enough, one of those goofballs is a Paultard from Nevada:

At least three Republican electors, including a Nevadan, say they might not support their party’s presidential ticket when the Electoral College meets in December to formally elect the next president, escalating tensions within the GOP and adding a fresh layer of intrigue to the final weeks of the White House race.

The electors — all supporters of former GOP presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul — told the Associated Press they are exploring options should Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney win their states. They expressed frustration at how Republican leaders have worked to suppress Paul’s conservative movement and his legion of loyal supporters.

As Paul, R-Texas, supporters fought for more prestigious delegate slots during state-level conventions this year, they also quietly accrued electors — some in Democratic states likely to be won by Democratic President Barack Obama, but also in a handful in states that Romney could take.

In Nevada, Paul’s forces seized control of the state convention and won a majority of delegates. They also placed four Paul supporters among the state’s six electors.

The electors said they have had no organized discussion over how to cast their electoral votes and there have been no efforts by the campaigns to get them to vote for either Paul or Romney.

Ken Eastman might not cast his Nevada electoral vote for Romney if the former Massachusetts governor wins the state. Eastman said he wants to explore options with Republican leaders in Clark County, a group now dominated by Paul supporters.

“I’m undecided at this point,” Eastman said, adding that he’s “pretty disgusted” with the national Republican Party and how it has worked to suppress Paul’s grassroots movement. He said the GOP has not been open to an influx of people with different ideas. …

Along with Eastman and the other two electors — from Iowa and Texas — looking at alternatives, Nevada GOP elector Ken Searles said he may vote for Paul as a protest, so long as his vote wouldn’t change the outcome of the election. …

About half the states, including Nevada, have laws requiring electors to follow the popular vote. Nevada’s statute carries no punishment and it’s unclear how it would be enforced. Election officials said they may turn to the courts to enforce the law if an elector strayed.

You know, I’ve generally been supportive of the Paul folks and their efforts to organize and even gain control of the party organization here in Nevada, but there comes a time when you just have to say enough is enough.

Enough is enough.

As for those of you who don’t like my use of the term “Paultard,” let me remind: The term does NOT refer to every Ron Paul supporter (of which I’m one); only the wingnuts out there on the fringe who can see their own pancreas from where their heads are.

If that shoe fits…


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