Pardon Me while I Beat this Dead Horse

Hapless Nevada Republican congressional candidate Chris Edwards has actually produced a campaign video explaining why he refuses to promise the voters of his district, and the people of Nevada, that if elected (fat chance) he won’t raise our taxes.

In the video, Edwards says he’s not signing the Pledge because “96 percent of the community here doesn’t want me to sign it” and “85% of the most stalwart conservative Republicans do not want me to sign it either.”

Sorry, but I gotta call major league bull-$%&# on this one.

Show me the polling or survey data you have that shows that 96% of the district doesn’t want you to promise you won’t raise their taxes.

And using the primary results to come up with the 85% of “stalwart conservative Republicans” claim is about as asinine a proposition as I’ve ever heard. How asinine? Heck, I don’t think even that moron Assemblyman Mark SureWould ever came up with something that stupid.

Edwards went on to characterize the 25-year-old Taxpayer Protection Pledge – inspired by the late President Ronald Reagan – as a “cheap political gimmick.”

A “cheap political gimmick” embraced by Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Dean Heller, Joe Heck, Mark Amodei, Danny Tarkanian, Brian Krolicki and Michael Roberson.

Other conservative Republicans who have embraced this “cheap political gimmick” include: Marco Rubio, Allen West, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Michele Bachmann, Jim DeMint, Lamar Alexander, John Cornyn, Orrin Hatch, Mia Love (see Famous Last Words below), Eric Cantor and George Allen.

Indeed, for the full list of 558 incumbent and challenger candidates (not including governors) who have embraced this “cheap political gimmick,” click here

But, hey, Chris Edwards is a lot smarter than all those dummies, isn’t he?


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