Oh, My God…They Killed Twinkies! You B@$+&%s!!!

As if I didn’t detest organized labor enough already, now we learn that Big Labor has killed Twinkies!

That’s right, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that Hostess Brands – maker of Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder Bread – “is shuttering its plants and firing about 18,000 workers as it seeks to liquidate the 82-year-old business.”

According to the WSJ, “Hostess ultimately was brought to its knees by a national strike orchestrated by its second-largest union,” the bakers union.

And while the inclination is to feel sorry for the workers who will lose their jobs just before Christmas…I say, screw ‘em.

According the WSJ report, the workers themselves were almost unanimous in rejecting the company’s offer to keep the business afloat and instead voted to go out on strike. So they’re now unemployed thanks to their own stupidity and greed.

Now where did I leave my “world’s smallest violin” again?

How ironic that workers at a bakery failed to heed the wisdom of a half loaf being better than none!


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