The message on the outside of the envelope that landed in my mailbox yesterday was ominous:
“Harry Reid doesn’t want me in Congress,” the opening line read, with each word underlined. “The Democrat Machine is itching to destroy me. A few hours ago I spoke with my campaign manager. I was shocked by what I heard about the Left’s plans to ‘vaporize’ me.”
“Please keep what I’m about to share strictly confidential,” the letter concluded, with double underlines under “strictly confidential.”
Yes, it’s another over-the-top fundraising pitch for Sharron Angle – who apparently doesn’t realize her 2010 race against Harry Reid is over (she lost). In addition, I’m fairly certain that while he’d surely prefer Democrat “Calamity” Kate Marshall in Congress, Reid couldn’t care less if Sharron Angle ends up there. Not his house; not his race; not his problem.
Quite a few Nevada Republicans, on the other hand…
Indeed, in her opening paragraph Angle claims to be “the Democrats’ worst nightmare.” Actually, many believe she’s the REPUBLICANS’ worst nightmare; the only candidate who could possibly cost the GOP Nevada’s 2nd congressional district in the upcoming special election.
And I had a chuckle over this line on page three: “I’m not a professional politician.”
Are you kidding me? Sharron Angle is the consummate professional politicians. She’s been on the ballot or in some kind of elected office for two decades! That’s all she does now – run for one office, then another.
Puh-lease. It’s not that Angle’s not a professional politician; it’s that she’s not a very good one. The good ones, you know…um, win.
Oh, and by the way, if you want something kept “strictly confidential,” it might be a good idea if you didn’t bulk mail it to tens of thousands of people all over the country. I’m just saying.