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Nevada: The Chopped Liver Caucus

Molly Ball of Politico takes a look at Nevada’s 2012 presidential caucus and wonders if GOP candidates will be more likely or less likely to compete here than they did in 2008, including these brief Muth’s Truths:

Chuck Muth, a Las Vegas-based conservative activist, said nobody expects Nevada to get as much attention as Iowa and New Hampshire’s long-established primaries do.

“They’re the granddaddies,” he said. “But I do think we’re going to see the candidates more than last time. I don’t think anyone here thinks it’s going to be a flop like it was four years ago.”

Nevada’s niche as the “first in the West” primary will give the candidates an opportunity to show they can play in the libertarian-leaning swing region, he said.

You can read the full story here


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