Note: These are personal recommendations, not necessarily official endorsements.
On some of these, I’ve narrowed down my choices to two or three candidates, but haven’t made a final decision yet.
Disclaimer: On some of these recommendations, I don’t have personal knowledge of the candidates but am recommending them based on the recommendations of folks I trust who DO know them.
And for the record, all recommendations are subject to change right up to Election Day as new information comes available.
- U.S. Senate: Sam Brown
- Congressional District 1: Diane Steel or Carolina Serrano
- Congressional District 2: Mark Amodei or Danny Tarkanian
- Congressional District 3: April Becker
- Congressional District 4: Annie Black*
- Governor: Joe Lombardo, Joey Gilbert or Guy Nohra
- Lt. Governor: Tony Grady
- Attorney General: Sigal Chattah*
- Secretary of State: Richard Scotti
- Treasurer: Michele Fiore
- Controller: Andy Matthews
- State Senate 8: Jennifer Fawzy or Joshua Dowden
- State Senate 12: Cherlyn Arrington
- State Senate 16: Monica Jaye
- State Senate 17: Jim Wheeler
- State Senate 20: Jeff Stone
- State Assembly 1: Chris Dyer
- State Assembly 2: Heidi Kasama
- State Assembly 12: Flemming Larsen
- State Assembly 13: Steven DeLisle
- State Assembly 19: Amy Groves
- State Assembly 21: Jon Petrick
- State Assembly 23: Denise Ashurst
- State Assembly 25: Sam Kumar
- State Assembly 26: Tom Daly, Rich DeLong or Bret Delaire
- State Assembly 29: Rhonda Knightly
- State Assembly 38: Vida Keller
- State Assembly 34: Mary Lim
- State Assembly 35: Tiffany Jones
- State Assembly 36: Matt Sadler
- State Assembly 37: Jacob Deaville
- State Assembly 40: Gary Schmidt
- State Assembly 39: Ken Gray
- State Assembly 42: Katrin Ivanoff
- University Regent 6: Jeanine Dakduk
- University Regent 7: Dave Crete
- University Regent 8: Aaron Manfredi
- University Regent 11: Steve Laden
- University Regent 13: Stephanie Goodman
- Clark County Sheriff: Kevin McMahill
- Clark County Public Administrator: Pat Casale
- Clark County Treasurer: Mary Marshall-Lang
- Clark County Recorder: John Evans
- Clark County Commission F: Drew Johnson
- Clark County School Board D: Tavorra Elliott
- Clark County School Board F: Erica Neely
- Clark County School Board G: Adam LaRosa
- Washoe County School Board B: Cathy Reyes or Colleen Westlake
- Washoe County School Board C: Melanie Sutton
- Washoe County School Board D: Ed Hitti
- Washoe County School Board F: Graeme Reid
- Las Vegas City Council, Ward 2: Alan Bigelow
- Las Vegas City Council, Ward 4: Bob Beers or Brenda Flank
- Las Vegas City Council, Ward 6: Matt Passalacqua
- Las Vegas Justice Court 6: Bill Gonzalez
- Las Vegas Justice Court 16: Agnes Botelho
- Las Vegas Justice Court 7: Amy Wilson
- Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 9: Danielle “Pieper” Chio
- Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 10: Noreen Demonte
- Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 13: Suzan Baucum
- Henderson Mayor: Michelle Romero
- Henderson City Council, Ward 3: Carrie Cox
- North Las Vegas City Council, Ward 3: Scott Black
- Lyon County Commissioner: Scott Keller
- Washoe County Clerk: Jan Galassini
- Carson City Clerk/Recorder: Scott Hoen
* Disclaimer: personal clients