* Sorry I haven’t been in your inbox as often as usual, but I hope you’ll forgive me.
* We’re in a critical phase on the Pigpen Project to clean up the voter files in Nevada and it’s taken a lot of time to research and prepare everything.
* And I’ve been spending a lot of time meeting with and helping candidates get ready for their fall campaigns.
* Just not enough time in the day. But I did have a couple of things to bring to your attention today…
* First, have you noticed how far Nevada Attorney General A.Ron Ford is going to shove Kamala “Border Czar” Harris down our throats here?
* I mean, it’s embarrassing. He looks like a lovesick schoolboy. But I think I might know why he’s serving as her political hand maiden and worshipping the hallowed ground the San Franciso radical walks on.
* You see, he really doesn’t want to be AG. His ego has him believing he’s destined for far greater things.
* But I’m hearing people have been telling him he can’t beat Joe Lombardo for governor in 2026. So he’s sucking up to Kamala like a turbo-charged Hoover hoping to nab a gig in her administration if she’s elected POTUS.
* And speaking of that…
* The media is in full “rigging” mode. To hear them tell it, Kamala is the Second Coming. I mean, she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread – especially now that she’s forcing herself to choke down that fingernails-on-a-blackboard cackle.
* And a lot of ill-informed voters are falling for it. Again.
* And after Sleepy Joe was summarily thrown under the bus in that bloodless coup, almost all the Democrats have obediently gotten behind her – even the ones who KNOW she wasn’t the best choice they had at their disposal.
* On the other hand – and this is absolutely unbelievable…
* As you probably heard and read, Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance was in Reno yesterday afternoon for a rally.
* And according to a very reliable source, I’m told that Assemblywoman Jill Dickman was BANNED from joining other GOP legislators backstage with the veep nominee.
* From what I’ve been told, Donald Trump’s campaign state director, Alida Benson, wouldn’t let Assemblywoman Dickman join her colleagues because…she endorsed Ron DeSantis in the primary.
* Are you kidding me?!!
* Apparently, Ms. Benson doesn’t know (or doesn’t care) that the primary is OVER and that Assemblywoman Dickman – like a lot of primary voters who supported a different GOP candidate – long ago got behind Trump as the presidential nominee.
* What a petty, childish, and stupid thing to do. Nothing says “unity” like telling a Republican legislator to take a flying leap and shove it where the sun don’t shine over a primary difference of opinion.
* And this gal is RUNNING the Trump campaign here in Nevada.
* As I often point out, Republicans never blow an opportunity to blow an opportunity. And if Trump loses Nevada again, Ms. Benson will be a big part of the reason why.
* Maybe the Trump campaign should give her the ol’ Joe Biden treatment. It’s not too late.
“Every man with a pair of testicles is voting for Donald Trump in 2024. Every woman with a pair of testicles is voting for Kamala Harris in 2024.” – Author unknown
Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views and blogs at MuthsTruths.com. His views are his own.