Here’s a shocker from The Hill on Saturday: “The $700 billion bailout program for the financial industry has so far done little to boost bank lending, aid small businesses or reduce home foreclosures, a top government watchdog said in a report.” Thanks for nothing, Harry.
I’ve seen some hit pieces recently against former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, who is planning to run against Arizona Sen. John McCain in the GOP primary later this year. Some are rather disconcerting for conservatives. That said, none come even close to the damage done to our political system and the First Amendment by McCain-Feingold, or compare to the fact the McCain is responsible for Barack Obama being president today. Run J.D., run!
Jon Ralston reports this morning that the Obama administration intends to yank the licensing application for Yucca Mountain. Since the licensing application is the formal process for objectively determining the suitability of Yucca Mountain as the host site for the nation’s nuclear waste repository, I think we can now safely say the decision on this project is based 100 percent on the politics of saving Harry Reid’s arse and zero on the science.
Reports surfaced over the weekend that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian was going to follow the leads of fellow Republican candidates Brian Sandoval, Sue Lowden and John Chachas and release an official economic policy statement. I understand it would have been completed sooner, but his green crayon broke.
The Reno Gazette-Journal has another story out today about Nevada Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki’s potential entry into the already crowded U.S. Senate race. According to Krolicki, he’s being encouraged to run by people “who want to make sure Harry Reid gets more time to spend with his grandchildren come January.”
Problem is, the GOP already has three candidates in the race who are already polling ahead of Reid, so the party doesn’t “need” Krolicki to achieve the Dump Reid objective. That means if Krolicki jumps into the race now, it’s only because of his own ego and the Washington establishment trying to handpick a nominee they believe they can control.
Conservatives would love to see RINO state Sen. Dennis Nolan (District 9) of Las Vegas taken out in the GOP primary this year, but the most likely likely challenger, Assemblyman Chad Christensen, recently indicated he might jump into the U.S. Senate race to challenge Harry Reid instead, an indication that maybe his heart really isn’t in the Nolan race after all.
So conservatives might want to start taking a serious look at another Republican challenger, Michelle Fiore – a fiery businesswoman who is deadly serious about knocking off Nolan (
And finally, “24” fans recognize the name Dana Walsh as a new character working for CTU who is being hounded by an old boyfriend who is threatening to expose her unsavory past; however, there’s another real-life Dana Walsh who is also battling the forces of evil. The real Dana Walsh is a Republican running against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in California. Check her out HERE