Muth’s Truths: April 3, 2010


Last night’s First Friday Happy Hour at Stoney’s featuring J.D. Hayworth, the conservative former congressman running against John McCain-Feingold in Arizona, easily shattered all FF attendance records, perhaps as many as 500 people.

And I suspect next month’s crowd will be even bigger….as we have tentatively schedule not one, but two conservative mega-stars. Who are they?

Well, I’ll tell those of you who have signed up for a voluntary subscription to Muth’s Truths and Nevada News & Views tomorrow or Monday in your new, exclusive “Nevada Confidential” e-briefing. Regular readers will just have to wait for the official announcement in a couple weeks.

[BTW: This is subscription drive week. To make a voluntary subscription “donation” to Muth’s Truths and Nevada News & Views, just go to and kick in $25, $50, $75, $100 or whatever you feel is an appropriate amount for an annual subscription to what is without question THE source for conservative news and views in Nevada that you simply won’t find anywhere else.]

The special meeting of the Nevada Republican Party to elect a replacement for the self-proclaimed Greatest GOP Chairman in the History of GOP Chairmen, Chris Comfort – whose tenure in office was actually less than the gestation period of a Rhesus monkey (look it up; you’ll see) – will be held on May 15th in Reno.

And no, the location is NOT a conspiracy to thwart Clark County Republicans from controlling the election. The Nevada GOP regularly rotates its meetings between Clark, Washoe and a rural county. The last meeting – in which Captain DisComfort won a stunning 90 percent of the vote (against an invisible opponent) – was held in the rurals (Hawthorne). The meeting before that was held in Clark. So this next one is simply scheduled for Washoe as part of the regular rotation.

No black helicopters involved.

The political genius that is UNR political scientist Eric Herzik reared his ugly head again today. Speaking of Rory Reid, Democrat gubernatorial candidate and Son of Harry, Eric belched up these little pearls of extraordinary wisdom in an Associated Press story: “(B)eing on the same ballot with his father is not going to be a plus.”

Gee, ya think? Does one have to be a political “scientist” to come to that insightful conclusion? And would somebody please explain to me again why Nevada taxpayers are funding “political science” departments and professors at UNR and UNLV?

RJ publisher Sherm Frederick noted in his blog yesterday that 1,353 business establishments in Clark County alone closed their doors last year. That would be the same year as Harry Reid’s “stimulus” program and the same year that the Nevada Legislature doubled the business license fee and employee head tax. But I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

And finally, Michelle Fiore, Republican candidate for Congressional District 1, will host a kick-off party for her campaign on Friday, April 9th from 6-9 pm at Satay’s on Paradise Road in Las Vegas. $50 suggested donation. Info: (702) 434-6730.


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