Muth’s Truths: April 2, 2010

The Nevada Republican Party has scheduled a special meeting for Saturday, May 15, 2010 to elect a new chairman. The meeting will be held at the Siena Hotel in Reno.

On the Dawn Gibbons radio show Wednesday, Repbublican gubernatorial candidate Brian Sandoval was asked by the hostess with the mostest: “Is there any situation in which you would consider raising taxes?” Sandoval’s quick and unequivocal response: “No.”

That’s great news for Nevada taxpayers….but does raise the question as to why the candidate nevertheless resists signing the same Taxpayer Protection Pledge inked by his fellow GOP primary opponents, Mike Montandon and Jim Gibbons? Does the former federal judge think we’ll go more lenient on him if he only breaks his verbal pledge than if he breaks a written pledge? This just makes no sense.

Pro-life icon Phyllis Schlafly, president of Eagle Forum PAC and one of the nation’s leading conservative activists today, endorsed Sharron Angle in the Nevada U.S. Senate race yesterday. This on the heels of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony organization’s endorsement earlier this week of Sue Lowden means pro-life Republican primary voters will have two solid choices on June 8th.

Meanwhile, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Chad Christensen was interviewed on Jon Ralston’s Face-to-Face program this week and was exceptionally evasive and disingenuous.

When asked about donors who had contributed to him when they thought he was running against state Sen. Dennis Nolan asking for their money back, Chad said he was returning their contributions which had been earmarked for the general election. But that’s not the question. The question was about the money those donors gave to him for the PRIMARY election. On that, Chad bobbed and weaved and failed to answer.

Ralston asked Christensen about his campaign claim that he was the deciding vote on blocking that 2003 Mother of All Tax Hikes. But Christensen was one of 15 votes necessary to stop that tax hike and, as Ralston pointed out, ANY of those fifteen could have been considered the “deciding” vote since all 15 were needed to hold up the bill. More than a bit disingenuous.

In addition, Christensen failed to respond forthrightly when asked about the fact that he was perfectly willing to cave in and vote for the $864 million tax hike if changes were made to a proposed franchise fee on big businesses. “The budget number we have is excessive and could come down,” Christensen told the Reno Gazette-Journal. “But in the spirit of negotiation, I’m willing to compromise.”

Compromise….as in, sell out. I wonder what Chad’s price would have been for his ObamaCare vote. I’m sure Harry Reid would have made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

Tea Party Crasher of Nevada candidate Scott Ashjian reportedly made good on the $5,000 check he bounced just in time to avoid the arrest warrant that had been prepared for him. Sorry, but no perp walk. This time.

In a new fundraising email, the Gibbons for Governor campaign writes, “Jim kept his promise of no new taxes….” At the risk of beating a dead horse, no….he didn’t.

Stan Vaughn, IAP candidate for Assembly District 15, inked the Taxpayer Protection Pledge yesterday. The Republican in that race, Dale Snyder, has not. Nor have any of the four Democrats who filed.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Montandon stepped up his primary campaign against fellow GOPer Brian Sandoval yesterday with a tongue-in-cheek April Fool’s Day column calling Sandoval a conservative and launching THIS not-to-flattering website.

Nevada Sen. John Ensign’s death of a thousand cuts continues. He was named in yet another ethics complaint yesterday, this one dealing with what is being portrayed as a “gift” he and others received in the form of greatly reduced rent for his C Street digs in Washington, DC.

Melanie Sloan, executive director for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington – an oxymoron if there ever was one, says Ensign should step down. “I absolutely think he should resign,” Sloan told Jon Ralston on Face-to-Face last night. “There is no way Mr. Ensign isn’t far more focused on his legal problems than the problems of the people of Nevada.”

Exactly. And yet, not a single Nevada GOP leader has called on Ensign to put an end of this drip, drip, drip of scandal soup for the good of the party and the state. Frankly, they’re almost as bad as Ensign for their silence.

And finally, some good news. No, actually it’s great news. Dakota Root, 17-year-old daughter of Las Vegan Wayne Allyn Root, who was the Libertarian Party’s vice presidential nominee in 2008, was just accepted at Harvard. That alone, of course, is impressive….but more so for the fact that Dakota has never seen the inside of a classroom. She’s been home-schooled her entire life.

But even that’s not the end of it. Her dad informs me that Dakota was also accepted by, but turned down, Stanford, Columbia, Duke, Penn, Brown, University of Chicago, Northwestern, Cal-Berkeley and Yale. “It turns out that it does NOT take a village or a teachers union to raise a remarkable kid,” the understandably very proud Mr. Root writes, “it only takes two caring parents!”



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