Mrs. Smith Goes to Moscow

Muth’s Truths PLUS: September 19, 2024

* As noted in the last Muth’s Truths, Nevada Democrats pulled a stunt this week by sending lunchboxes to GOP headquarters which included a letter from Washoe County school board president Beth Smith.

* The letter shamefully slammed Gov. Lombardo for vetoing a bill related to “free” school lunches.

* Naturally, Smith neglected to mention that her school board has the authority to fund the lunches with district money.

* Or that the program he vetoed included funding for only one semester and Democrats had no plan to pay for it after it expired.

* Details, details.

* But here’s what really galls me about the stones on this woman…

* She wrote that “many families are like mine.”

* And went on to slam the governor for not living in Section 8 housing, writing that “it’s easy for him to make these decisions from the comfort of the Governor’s Mansion.”

* Talk about someone living in a glass house!

* I’m not going to “dox” her by giving out the address, but we did find some photos of what appears to be Madame Smith’s $1 million-plus home in a wealthy neighborhood in Reno…

* And according to Census Bureau research, the Census Tract she lives in has an average household income of $260,902.

* Somehow, I’m guessing “families like hers” that can afford such a luxury home can afford to pay for their own kids’ lunches.

* You and I shouldn’t have to.

* I hope she gets cooties.


“The Teamsters have endorsed every single Democratic Presidential Nominee since Bill Clinton.  Kamala met with Teamsters 2 days ago.  They decided today not to endorse her after internal polling showed 60% of members wanted Trump.  Brutal blow to Kamala.” – @libsoftiktok

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views and blogs at  His views are his own.


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