Moore: “Nauseated by Effusive Praise” of Harry Reid


(Chuck Muth) – The beatification of Saint Harry Reid has been as over-the-top as it was expected from the left.  One quick example is this statement from socialist Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV)…

“Senator Harry Reid was a real-life hero; a colossus of Nevada and national politics…”

Oy vey.

But such “effusive praise” hasn’t been universal.  From Stephen Moore of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity…

“Yes, we know that the protocol is to talk about how wonderful our past political leaders are at the time of their death. Such a great statesman. Put the country first. Blah, blah, blah.

“But in the case of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, we just can’t. We are so nauseated by the effusive praise of former Democratic Senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada, who died on Wed. (even Mitch McConnell said nice things about him), that we feel compelled to remind our readers of the truth.

“Harry Reid was a first-class scoundrel.

“First, Reid claimed up until his last days that one of his ‘proudest accomplishments’ was to block President George W. Bush’s attempt to create personal accounts for Social Security.

“’Accomplishment?’ If we had privatized Social Security back in the early 1990s when even Bill Clinton endorsed this reform and the Dow Jones was at 8,000 (it is 36,000 today), tens of millions of Americans would be retiring with one million dollars or more in their private IRA accounts and would be receiving retirement income two to three TIMES more than Social Security will pay them. And younger Americans would have accounts overflowing with money.

“Great going Harry, you putz!

“Perhaps even worse, was Harry’s despicable and deliberate lie told during the 2012 presidential election. Reid claimed that he had seen Mitt Romney’s tax returns and that Romney ‘paid zero taxes for 10 years.’ Even the Washington Post admitted it was all a bold-faced lie.

“What made the lie even more disgusting was that Reid NEVER apologized for his duplicity. Instead, he BOASTED about it. When he was asked about it after the election, Reid replied, ‘I don’t regret that at all. Romney didn’t win, did he?’

“Yes, what a great role model and statesman. Okay, we will say something nice about Harry Reid. We hope God forgives him.”

Added Nevada social media ninja Courtney Holland

“As a Christian I’ll say this: My thoughts and prayers are with former Sen. Harry Reid’s family & friends tonight after his passing.

“As a Nevadan, I’ll also say this: The ‘Reid Machine’ worked for DECADES to destroy Nevada, the GOP, & everything that I believe in.  I will not be praising him for his role as Kingmaker in tearing down everything I stand for.

“Way too many Nevada Republicans praising Harry Reid tonight for his ‘service.’  His service is why Republicans no longer have a seat at the table in Nevada now.”


But which “Nevada Republicans” is she referring to?  Well, like these…

  • “Senator Harry Reid was one of the towering figures in the history of Nevada. The Senator’s career in public service belongs on the state’s Mount Rushmore as an example of a legendary leader who always put the needs, dreams and future of the people of Nevada first.” – former Nevada governor Brian Sandoval
  • “Nevada has lost an historic figure with the passing of Harry Reid. … (H)e’ll be deeply missed.” – former Nevada U.S. senator Dean Heller
  • “Tonight we honor the life of Nevada’s longest-serving US Senator, Harry Reid. The Silver State is grateful for his 48 years of public service…” – Nevada State Senate Republican Caucus

Sometimes it’s better to just keep your mouth shut.

Muth’s Truths

* In a recent fundraising pitch, Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak wrote: “(W)e made history in 2018 by electing Nevada’s first Democratic Governor in two decades.”  And how’s that worked out for us again?


“COVID deaths among unvaccinated people” in Clark County, reports Michelle Rindels today, “are at 54.4 per 10,000 unvaxxed folks, or 0.5%, per SNHD (Southern Nevada Health District).

So we’re forcing everyone in Nevada to wear face diapers for a virus with a 95.5% survival rate and where most of the deceased had underlying medical conditions?

No wonder the corporate media is now obsessing over “cases” instead of deaths.  But “cases” do not constitute an “emergency.”  And “emergencies” don’t last two years.  It’s WAY past time to terminate Sisolak’s “Declaration of Emergency.”

But if we’re gonna talk about “cases,” Eli Klein reports today that “NYC just reported ~44k Covid cases in one day, setting what’s believed to be the world’s record per capita for a large City.”

Of course, New York is also one of the worst “lockdown” cities in the world.  You must present a vaccine passport to even eat a hamburger at Burger King.  So obviously the strict mask and vax mandates don’t, you know, work.

In the meantime, Breitbart News reports today that…

“More than 200 Marines have been kicked out of the Marine Corps for choosing not to take the coronavirus vaccine.”

We better hope Freedonia doesn’t decide to attack!

Election ’22 Update

* Haven’t spoken with her about it, but have heard from others that Republican State Assemblywoman Annie Black will announce she’s running for Nevada’s 4th Congressional District sometime next week.  Am also hearing fellow GOP challenger Sam Peters is not exactly a happy camper.  Then again, he should be running for a lower office anyway.

* There’s a rock-solid conservative candidate warming up in the bullpen for Black’s seat if/when she announces for Congress.

* Word on the Street: Former GOP state assemblywoman and district court judge mulling a jump into Nevada’s 1st congressional district race against Rep. Dina “I’m Not Happy” Titus.

* In a recent interview talking about Gen. Mark Milley, Noah Malgeri, a GOP candidate for Nevada’s 3rd congressional district, said “they should hang him on CNN.”  Yeah, he’s gonna go far.

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“Kamala Harris asking Hillary Clinton for advice on how to reverse the plummet of her approval ratings is like a hyena asking a lion how to be a vegan.” – Rep. Lauren Boebert

“Census data reveal huge shifts out of the most locked-down states.” – Wall Street Journal, 12/28/21

“Let’s go Brandon. I agree!” – President Joe Biden, 12/24/21

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views and blogs at


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