I hear Nevada Federation of Republican Women President Maraya Evans resigned three months before her term is set to expire and it may be part of Senate Minority Leader Moderate Mike Roberson’s (R-Monte Miller) ongoing War on Republican Women!
As you may recall, I reported here in Silver State Confidential that Evans took to the podium at the recent GOP Central Committee meeting and upbraided Roberson for how shabbily he treated Nevada State Sen. Barbara Cegavske in this last legislative session, stripping her of her leadership position and committee chairmanship.
Well, word on the street is that Roberson and/or his minions let Evans know in no uncertain terms that there would be “payback” for daring to challenge the Man Who Would Be King in such a public manner.
Evans, whom I told, suffers from migraines, simply decided she didn’t need any such agita in her life courtesy of Moderate Mike, so she just stepped down early. The good news: I’m also told she hasn’t felt this good in a long time!
All the best Maraya. We need more activists like you who aren’t afraid to speak truth to power!