Mini-Muth’s Truths: December 16, 2010

We’re in SoCal this week for some post-election/pre-Christmas Disneyland/Sea World/Pirate Dinner Theater/Parade of Lights Boat Show family fun stuff and the kids have ordered me not to be working like I usually do….and I’m not about to argue the point. So e-transmissions will likely be a bit scant for the next few days. However….

Yours truly will join a panel featuring some real journalists discussing the political year-in-review on KNPR out of Las Vegas tomorrow (Friday) morning at 9:00 am. Ian Mylcreest will host the one-hour discussion featuring the Jon Ralston of Face to Face, Steve Sebelius of CityLife and Karoun Demirjian of the Las Vegas Sun. Listen in online here

Out with the old…in with the old. Gov.-elect Sandoval continued his… “March of Competence” today in announcing the appointment/re-appointment of three additional government “retreads” to his incoming administration.

As Newt say, real change requires real change. So don’t be expecting much change, especially in a conservative direction, from the new Sandoval team.

I’d like to revise and extend my observation from Tuesday in noting that after Democrat Assemblywoman Peggy Pierce proposed a monstrous new tax on Nevada’s larger retail stores, nowhere was heard a disparaging word from any of the state’s Republican organizations.

I was actually referring to the GOP’s official state and county central committees; however, I should point out that there was one Republican organization that did slam (click here) Pierce’s proposal hard and publicly – Right Pride, an organization of gay Republicans.

Thank goodness for the “queers” or Nevada Republicans would have no voice at all.

“If the Las Vegas Metro Police Department responded to 911 calls the way it responds to public-records requests,” writes Kyle Gillis of NPRI, “the Bellagio Bandit would’ve had time to take in the ‘O’ Show, tour the art gallery and still escape on his motorcycle.” Click here to read the full column

“It hit me the other day regarding the hundreds of $$$’s we spend on textbooks, kindergarten through college,” writes Tony Warren, chairman of the Organized Labor Party. “Why can’t the schools buy every kid an E-Book reader (Kindle) and just download new books as needed? They will hold around 350 books and only cost $149 all over town. Kinda stupid to keep pumping the big bucks into pulp that become obsolete every time the author sees fit to change a line or two and pad his pocket.”

Kinda stupid, indeed.

One component of being a “movement conservative” is not only being fundamentally conservative in your belief system, but actually DOING something about it. That description applies to Maureen Karas, whom I’ve gotten to know since moving back to Las Vegas almost two years ago. Not only does Maureen put the “active” in “activist,” but she just took over as the new president of the Active Republican Women of Las Vegas. Mozel tov!

OK, off to the Magic Kingdom!


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