Mini-Muth’s Truths: August 24, 2022

* Maybe it’s just me, but how many times have you read a news headline or tweet, thought “I might want to read this,” and then saw it was a report by the Washington Post, New York Times or CNN and decided, “Nah, can’t believe anything they say”?

The “mainstream” press has self-inflicted zero credibility these days. Even on the rare occasion they get something right, many simply won’t believe it simply because of the source.

* Attention aspiring political “citizen journalists” in northern Nevada.  Thanks to Congressman Mark Amodei I will be coming up to conduct my “Killer Copywriting” workshop in Carson City on Wednesday, September 14 at the Casino Fandango from 5:30-8:00 pm.  Cost is just $10/person.  Limited seating…so RSVP ASAP.  Click here

* Speaking of citizen journalists, I’m looking for someone who would like to take on a new project we’re considering.  It seems every time we read or hear a story about some serious crime, the person arrested already has an extensive criminal record.  So it’s NOT the cops’ fault. They busted the thug and somebody – the DA’s office or a judge – let ‘em back out on the street.

The information on how this happens is a public record, but someone needs to dig into these cases and name names of those responsible for this soft-on-crime, get-out-of-jail-free, catch-and-release, revolving-door debacle that allows these predators to keeping prowling our neighborhoods and terrorizing our communities.

I’m tired of METRO being a punching bag when it’s not their fault.  And incoming Sheriff Kevin McMahill needs some support in exposing who’s actually responsible so voters can deal with them in November.  If this is something you might be interested in, shoot an email to me at and we’ll discuss further.

* The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, which is supposed to represent the interests of the business community, endorsed on Monday the gubernatorial candidate – Democrat Gov. Steve Sisolak – who two years ago shut down almost every business in the state, many of which were never able to re-open their doors.

The Chamber also endorsed the anti-business Democrats running for secretary of state, treasurer, and controller.  Why any business still belongs to the Chamber is a mystery beyond understanding.  The LV Chamber sucks.  Has for a long time.  Businesses should join NFIB instead.

* Speaking of NFIB, it released its ratings on how state legislators voted on business bills in the 2021 session on Tuesday. And get this: The two worst GOP voting records were chalked up by state senators Scott Hammond and Heidi Gansert – both at just 73%.

This is a serious early warning red flag for Nevada conservatives, as both Hammond and Gansert are known to be jockeying to be the next caucus leader – replacing termed-out Minority Leader James Settelmeyer – for the 2023 session.  FYI: State Sen. Ira Hansen was the only legislator to score a perfect 100%.  I wonder if he’s interested in the leadership position?

* In the last Mini-Muth’s Truths, I noted that the “Douglas County Republican Central Committee has unanimously voted to expel Danny and Amy Tarkanian from the governing body over the couple’s public endorsements of a number of Democrats in the upcoming November election.”  To which Danny texted that I was inaccurate and requested a retraction.

He advised that he has not “endorsed” any Democrats; only that he has publicly stated that he’s voting for and supporting Democrat Zach Conine for Treasurer over the Republican nominee, Michele Fiore.  Not sure how that makes it any better, but there you go.

* Republican Jim Marchant, the GOP’s nominee for Secretary of State, was hit with a campaign finance complaint this week alleging he has violated campaign contribution limits by accepting excess donations through the PAC he himself controls.  A similar complaint filed by his primary opponent a few months ago is expected to be decided later this week.  This is not good.

* With the 2022 elections still more than two months away, candidates for the 2024 U.S. Senate seat in Nevada have already started expressing some interest.  Among those reportedly mulling a race for the seat among Republicans is Sam Brown, who came in second in the GOP primary for the Senate back in June, Tony Grady, who came in second in the GOP primary for lieutenant governor, and former Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison.

* I finally got to meet Fleming and April Larson today. Fleming is running for the state Assembly and April is running for the state Senate as Republicans in Democrat-majority districts in east Las Vegas (my districts).  Both are pro-business refugees (NOT missionaries) from California. If you missed the Review-Journal write up on them, click here.

* Rob Lauer is still a boob.


Wednesday, January 4, 2023.  Citizen Outreach’s annual “Pastapalooza” dinner celebrating National Spaghetti Day.  It’s also where we’ll be presenting the 2023 “Conservative of the Year Awards.”  PLUS…an “On Top of Spaghetti” singing contest!  We put the FUN in “fundraising.”

ConservaCruise News

Carnival has again updated their anti-COVID requirements.  Those without vaccinations can now sail as long as they are tested before departure…and a negative self-test will be acceptable.

The dates for the Citizen Outreach ConservaCruise to Mexico are November 12-19, 2022.  That’ll be just four days after Republicans take back Congress!  Gonna be a blast.  If you have any questions or want to join us, please call our cruise coordinator, Karla Mueller, at (305) 599-2600 ext. 82968.  Or via email:


“Some health officials are recommending to parents that they mask their children to protect them from Monkey Pox. Huh? Monkey Pox is almost exclusively a virus that afflicts gay men. If a school is a high-risk monkeypox setting, we suggest a criminal investigation.” – Stephen Moore

“I worked 50+ hrs/wk while going to college full time to pay my tuition bills. On top of that, my dad didn’t retire until he was 76 to also make sure everything was paid for. Biden’s student loan ‘handout’ today is a disgrace to families like mine who worked hard & sacrificed so much.” – Courtney Holland

“Of the 36 pedestrian fatalities so far this year, 27 involved pedestrians who were at fault because they were not in crosswalks.” – Las Vegas Review-Journal

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views and blogs at  His views are his own.


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