From the Department of Who’d a Thunk It, the Associated Press reports today that illegal aliens in Arizona are leaving the state thanks to passage of a get-tough law cracking down on illegal immigration there. And where are many of those folks going? Back to their native countries?
Don’t be silly. No, AP reports that three states which allow illegal aliens to get state drivers licenses “have seen a surge in immigrants seeking IDs in recent months.” Go figure.
The 31-year-old illegal alien featured in the AP story, Carlos Hernandez, said he knows “that it’s not OK for people who come here to cross the border,” but he did it anyway and now complains that “it’s difficult being undocumented and not having an identification.” Awwww. Poor baby.
So he loaded up the family and moved to Washington state, one of three states that allow illegal aliens to get drivers licenses because “he and his wife were spooked by the Arizona law that requires officers to check a person’s immigration status when enforcing other laws.”
In other words, the Arizona law that Obama is trying to nullify through the courts…works.
“The Citizenship Clause of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment provides that a person born in the United States is automatically a citizen,” writes Rep. Charles Djou, Hawaii Republican. “America needs comprehensive immigration reform; it is critical to our nation’s future. But it is simply unrealistic to believe that we can fix the problem by amending the Constitution.”
All due respect to our 39-year-old rookie congressman from the Land of Don Ho, but this problem was created by an amendment to the Constitution; therefore, the fix HAS to be an amendment to the Constitution undoing the mistake made by the original amendment to the Constitution. Like we did when we repealed the Prohibition amendment.
The Founding Fathers didn’t give us “birthright citizenship.” That “right” was bestowed under questionable circumstances following the Civil War as a way to extend citizenship rights to newly-freed slaves. No one, at the time, foresaw the problem of millions of people coming to America, not for freedom, but to collect “free” welfare benefits, a “free” education and “free” health care – all at the expense of real American citizens.
Let the process ending birthright citizenship that Sen. Harry Reid began in 1993 continue.
The SEIU is boycotting the new movie “The Expendables” because it includes a cameo appearance by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger who, the Wall Street Journal reports, “has had the gall to order unpaid furloughs three days each month for union workers refusing to make even modest contributions to their retirement plans.”
If the greedy, stinkin’ government employee union is boycotting, I guess I’m BUYcotting. Pass the popcorn!
Speaking of the SEIU, the government employee union has teamed up with Bill Gates Sr. up on Washington to fund a ballot initiative this November to create the state’s first income tax. It would start at 5 percent and climb to 9 percent for the “super-rich” earning over $500,000 a year.
“No state has introduced an income tax since Connecticut nearly 20 years ago, and that state’s experience has not been happy,” notes the Wall Street Journal. “The top rate in Hartford began at 4.5% but has since climbed to 6.5%. Washington wants to leap over that and achieve California and New Jersey heights in one giant step. Washington would move overnight from one of the nine states with no income tax to having the eighth highest rate in the country.”
We have met the enemy….and it’s the SEIU.
Republican Congressman Jeff Flake, who represents Arizona’s Sixth District, today highlighted a pork project contained in the agriculture appropriations bill for fiscal year 2010. This week’s egregious earmark: $994,000 for endophyte research in Booneville, Arkansas. “If we keep wasting money like this, we’ll never hear the endophyte,” said Flake.
And finally, according to a new Rasmussen poll in the Connecticut U.S. Senate race, Republican candidate and former professional wrestling CEO Linda McMahon has now closed the gap with her Democrat opponent and Vietnam vet poser Dick Blumenthal to seven points. As recently as May, McMahon trailed Blumey by 30 points. And that’s the bottom line, ‘cause Stone Cold sez so.