• About ten to fifteen years ago, the word “liberal” was almost like a curse, so the Left made a concerted effort to eliminate using the word in politics and campaigns. Instead, they renamed themselves “progressives.” It’s rare today to meet a Democrat politician who will admit to being a liberal even if they’re as liberal as the day is long.
• Those tables have now been turned on the Left. The Right, thanks to policies embraced and championed by Barack Obama which are opening doors to for government to eventually take control of various private industries they way it’s taken control of education and mail delivery. As such, the Right has stopped calling the left “liberals” and is now calling them “socialists.”
• And it’s driving the Left absolutely bonkers. “Calling me a ‘socialist’ has as much basis in fact as calling health reform a ‘government takeover’ — none at all,” Harry Reid writes in a fundraising email on Monday. “I’m making light of this nonsense today, but these attacks reveal a troubling reality. These folks are standing in strong opposition to progress for our economy at a time when Nevadans are struggling to make ends meet.”
• Exactly how you’d expect a socialist to react.
• Media Matters is a far-left liberal….er, socialist organization supposedly dedicated to exposing right-wing bias in the news. And they just ripped Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden a new one over an email she sent out about Harry Reid’s liberal….er, socialist plan to eventually take over the nation’s health care industry. Read it HERE
• http://mediamattersaction.org/factcheck/201003290004
• Yet another indication that the Republican candidate the liberals….er, socialists fear the most in November against Reid is Sue Lowden.
• In the meantime, the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund (SBA List), “a national network of over 280,000 pro-life Americans dedicated to advancing and mobilizing pro-life women in the political process,” endorsed Lowden’s campaign yesterday.
• Soon-to-be former First Lady Dawn Gibbons has a new radio show up in Reno that debuts this week and has landed a 30-minute interview with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for her first show. Mrs. Gibbons, a former Republican state legislator, has already endorsed Reid, Congress’s top Democrat, re-election calling him this week “a gift from God.”
• God sometimes has a wicked sense of humor.
• On the same inaugural program, the soon-to-be former First Lady will also be interviewing the soon-to-be former Assembly Minority Leader, Heidi Gansert, who has already endorsed one of the GOP gubernatorial opponents of Dawn’s soon-to-be former husband. And no, the show is not called “The Has-Been Hour with Dawn Gibbons.”
• Seems the Keystone Corporation isn’t the only entity hot under the collar over Assemblyman Chad Christensen not returning donations which were made to him with the understanding he was running for the STATE senate, not U.S. senate. I’ve had two other donors advise me over the weekend that they, too, have asked for their money back only to be stonewalled and ignored.
• Not exactly a wise decision if Chad hopes to have a future political career in state politics after losing this U.S. Senate primary contest.
• With Captain DisComfort walking the plank (and what a long, slow walk it is!), attention now turns to who replaces him. Grapevine chatter has raised the names of state Sen. Mark Amodei, state Sen. Maurice Washington and former Lt. Gov. Lorraine Hunt.