Major League Meltdown: Follow-Up on “None Dare Call Him A.Ron”

(Chuck Muth) – I’m not known as Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals for nuthin’.

Two weeks ago I wrote about how Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford got his tighty-whities in a twist over me spelling his name phonetically the way he corrects people into pronouncing it.


By the way, I checked and I’ve been spelling it A.Ron since way back in 2018.  So this was nothing new.  And I’ve since been informed that he used to correct people into pronouncing it “A.A.Ron” as well.

It’s hard to believe the sitting attorney general, who’s been in politics the better part of a decade, would throw such a hissy fit on social media over something so silly.  But the man is obviously extremely thin-skinned, doesn’t take criticism very well, and suffers from a serious inferiority complex.

Let’s roll the tape…

When we last left off on July 22nd, I replied to a tweet by A.Ron in which he wrote, “I just got a call from the next President of the United States.”  To which I replied, “I seriously doubt Donald Trump just called A.Ron Ford.”

To which he replied: “My name is spelled ‘Aaron’” and included a meme reading “Go away troll.”

I then tweeted: “A.Ron would HATE for you to watch this hilarious and totally relevant video from Key & Peele…”  It IS hilarious and totally relevant.   And if you haven’t seen it, click here.

A.Ron replied: “That skit is hilarious! You’re just not funny. But I do laugh at you.  Also, my name is spelled ‘Aaron’. You’re purposely continuously disrespecting me. And again, it’s not gone unnoticed.”

I followed up with, “Is that a threat?  Sounds like one.  You’ve now made it twice.”

Well, that got under his skin, too.  He wrote back…

“What a silly question. You’re disrespecting me, and now you’re trying to play the victim.  Typical.  I’m just asking you (again) to stop disrespecting me. What you’re doing is not out of ignorance; it’s intentional. You’re being disrespectful. And you know it.”

I replied: “You mean the way you play the race card to play the victim?”  He wrote back, “I just laughed at you. Again.” To which I replied, “Sounds like I’ve hit a raw nerve.”  And obviously did, because he ended with…

“Nope. But I’m out, although not before one last request that you stop disrespecting me by purposely spelling my name wrong. And I’m sure you remember this reference, because you whined about it in an article you wrote the last time I used it in response to one of your rants.”

The reference was a meme featuring Ice Cube mouthing, “Bye Felicia” in a movie.

Well, I thought that was the end of it.  Figured A.Ron had finally had enough. But he just couldn’t stop.

Late that night, he posted four successive tweets linking to articles related to name pronunciation…

1.) An NPR article headlined, “Pronouncing Names Correctly Is More Than Common Courtesy.”

2.) An MSNBC article headlined, “Why pronouncing my name right is more than common courtesy.”

3.)  A BBC articled headlined, “Why getting a name right matters.”

4.)  An article at The Claw headlined, “The Name Game: Mistake or Microaggression?”

Another person tweeting under the name @NevadaDefender responded, “wow, @ChuckMuth really hurt your feelings man.”

Let the meltdown begin…again!

A.Ron: “He doesn’t hurt my feelings. At all. I just won’t let his willful disrespect go unchallenged. That’s all.”

NevadaDefender: “but you’re the 2-term attorney general of a state, why spend all this time going off on twitter trolls?”

A.Ron: “You’re right that he’s a troll. That said, my identity and name are worth defending. That’s why I engaged with him. But I’ve made my point and am done with him now.”

But was he?  Um, no.

In response to another tweet from @MrTwit1963, A.Ron wrote:

“Most innocently mispronounce my name. I generally correct them. But some people know my name is pronounced differently and just don’t bother to learn how to say it right. That’s disrespectful.  My Momma named me. How she pronounces my name is how it’s properly pronounced. Period.”

Talk about a self-esteem problem.  This guy sounds like someone who got a ton of “participation trophies” as a kid.

I replied: “Wow. Now I can see why you were so afraid to debate Sigal Chattah. If you’re having such a meltdown over something this trivial, she’d have had you fitted for a straight jacket & checking into a padded room.”

A.Ron responded by again posting the “Bye Felicia” meme.

So now it must really, really, really be over, right?  Not.

On July 24th, A.Ron started all over again.  He tweeted, “Not sure who needs to read this, but: ‘College’ is phonetically pronounced ‘kaa·luhj.’ ‘Colored’ is phonetically pronounced ‘kuh-lrd.’  They don’t sound the same.”

So I replied, “And the way you want ‘Aaron’ pronounced is phonetically spelled ‘A.Ron.’”  To which he corrected, “Actually, phonetically, it’s ‘A-Rin.’  And now that you know, you can both pronounce AND spell my name correctly.”  To which I replied, “Will take it under advisement, A.Rin.”

That got me another “Bye Felisha” – but this time spelling “Felicia” phonetically.  Hilarious.

On July 25th, he was right back at it, tweeting: “Again, with all the recent conversation about how to pronounce my name correctly, shout out to @LatoyaNews3LV for getting it right in this interview – twice! Thanks for your conscientiousness.”

At that point, @NevadaDefender jumped back in with three tweet replies:

(a) “nobody likes to have their name mispronounced or misspelled, but why do @ChuckMuth’s tweets matter so much?”

(b) “why spend so much time caring about one person’s opinion? why not just enjoy life…” and

(c) “it’s 3:30 on a wednesday and you’re having the same conversation with a twitter troll that you’ve been having all week about how to pronounce or spell your name. is this the best use of time for the AG of nevada during work hours?”

To which @gospelmystic888 replied: “Right …it’s truly sad…I’m pretty sure there’s a criminal somewhere in Nevada he could be prosecuting but here we are on X watching him have a meltdown about how to pronounce his name…smh”

Fast-forward to July 31st. A.Ron went after Trump for noting that Kamala used to identify as Indian but then at some point changed to identifying as black.  I quote-tweeted from an article in The Hill…

“’Harris is Indian American and African American. Her mother emigrated to the United States from India, and her father emigrated from Jamaica.’ I know we’ve really dumbed down our kids in public schools, but as far as I know, Jamaica is NOT in Africa. Try again, A.Ron.”

Cue the Hurt Feelings Machine!

A.Ron: “I’ve now told you numerous times that my name is spelled ‘Aaron’. At this point, it’s clear that you’re not doing this out of ignorance, although it is ignorant … and weird.  I’ll no longer indulge you. So, after I post this message, I’m muting you.”

That was accompanied by his juvenile and overworn “Bye Felisha” meme.

I replied that “I’m sure I will lose a lot of sleep tonight,” and then posted this screen shot from a video A.Ron himself had shot in front of a public bathroom with a tweet reading, “Yeah, I’m the ‘weird’ one.”

@NevadaDefender jumped back in, asking A.Ron: “why do you keep indulging him? you’ve been tweeting this same thing for weeks and drawing attention to him misspelling your name. seems like you’re encouraging this on purpose… just sayin.”

But he went right back at it again on August 5th after Trump spelled Kamala’s name “Kamabla.”

“I’ve seen this type of jackassery before,” he tweeted, “purposely misspelling someone’s name as an overt sign of disrespect. I’ve had to mute someone recently for the same idiocy.”

Talk about obsessed. A fatal attraction even.  Better have my daughter hide the bunny rabbits!

Anway, at this point it appears A.Ron has finally quit and thrown in the towel.

He’s too busy race-baiting, calling people “weird,” using his office to go after political opponents, and sucking up to Kamabla trying to land a job in DC knowing he can’t beat Gov. Joe Lombardo in 2026.

But it was sure fun while it lasted!


“If your opponent is of choleric temper,  seek to irritate him.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of  You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at  His views are his own.


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