Let the GOP Tax Hiking Begin!

With the 2013 legislative session now 2/3 finished, the real votes on bills are beginning. And on Monday we had the first vote on a tax hike…and it’s not pretty for Republicans.

AB54 would raise the tax/fee/tribute you must pay the government in justice courts. These are not “user fees.” You can’t opt not to pay them by going to a private sector alternative. This is a fee/tax that pays for government.

Only four of 15 Republicans voted against this tax hike in the Assembly.

Two are Taxpayer Protection Pledge signers: Michele Fiore and Jim Wheeler – arguably the only two “movement conservatives” in the Legislature this year.

The other two Republicans who voted against the tax hike but who have not inked the Pledge were John Ellison and Randy Kirner.  Bravo and thank you, gentlemen!

Two of the Republicans who voted for the tax hike did so in violation of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge they signed to the voters of their districts: John Hambrick and Pete Livermore. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

The other nine tax-hiking Republicans were: Paul Anderson, Wesley Duncan, Tom Grady, Ira Hansen, Cresent Hardy, Pat Hickey, James Oscarson, Lynn Stewart and Melissa Woodbury.

And not even a bag of magic beans in return!

We are NOT off to a very good start, folks. This is only going to get worse as bigger and more significant tax hikes come forward.


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