Johnny O’s Non-Response to Queen of Hearts Emails

In response to all the emails going into Assembly Speaker John Oceguera’s office protesting the unjust firing of conservative Assemblyman Ed Goedhart’s legislative assistant, Johnny O is now sending out this canned robo-response:

Thank you for your email. As I’m sure you understand, I cannot discuss a specific personnel matter out of respect for the privacy of the employee. As an employer, it is important to respect the privacy of our employees and for that reason we have an absolute policy that we will not discuss personnel matters with anyone other than the employees involved. Therefore, I am unable to provide you with any information regarding this matter, including any explanation of the reason for our actions in any particular case.

I can tell you that in general we are proud of the tremendous work the staff of the Assembly accomplishes each session, with an ever-increasing workload. Despite a very limited time for hiring and training, they serve all 42 Assembly members, 10 standing committees, and the people of the State of Nevada with competence and courtesy. I am proud of the work that they do, and as Speaker am thankful that we have such a dedicated and professional staff.

Pure, unadulterated flapdoodle. No one is asking the Speaker for an explanation; they’re asking him to right a serious wrong. That said, this line is just precious: “…we have an absolute policy that we will not discuss personnel matters with anyone other than the employees involved.”

The fact is, to this day, no one has yet to tell the young lady in question herself why she was terminated. It’s one thing not to tell the public, but don’t you think the person being fired at least deserves to know what she’s being fired for? I mean, we all KNOW the reason, but they’ve never actually admitted it.

This whole matter smells worse every day it drags on. Johnny O needs to order Susan Furlong and LCB to give “Joan” her job back….as well as an apology.


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