(Chuck Muth) – Bear with me on this one, because I’m gonna slip you around the velvet ropes and pull back the curtain on something really exciting for Nevada conservatives. I promise it’ll be worth the read.
First, a little story about Studebaker.
It’s a name you might not hear much today, but it was a big deal in the 1800’s and provides an important lesson for today’s emerging life with artificial intelligence (AI).
Established in 1852, Studebaker built the best, most reliable horse-drawn carriages in America. But in the early 1900’s, the world changed with the advent of automobiles.
Studebaker tried to keep up and make the transition. It continued to focus on high quality, but companies such as Ford were cranking out cars for much less money by building them quickly on assembly lines – something Studebaker couldn’t match.
It tried teaming up with another car company called Packard in 1954, but it didn’t work out. By the 1960’s, things got so bad that Studebaker had to stop making cars. Their last factory closed in 1966.
And that was the end of the road for this once-famous company.
Fast-forward to 2009 and a completely separate business – news.
That’s when I founded the Nevada News Bureau as a non-profit, conservative project of Citizen Outreach Foundation, which published under the name Nevada News & Views.
I hired a small-time blogger named Elizabeth Crum – who I think at the time was working for a title company – as our editor. But about a year into the project, we started butting heads.
I – and our donors – wanted the publication to focus on accurate but conservative content. Crum wanted to move to more “mainstream” reporting and became enamored with liberal blubber-blogger Jon Ralston.
So I spun off the Nevada News Bureau to Crum. She proceeded to go “mainstream.” And while she didn’t exactly go woke…yep, she went broke. The conservative donors who were funding the operation closed their wallets.
In the meantime, Ralston was busy getting himself fired or quitting from just about every major news operation in the state.
Eventually, he and Crum hooked up after he “discovered” the non-profit news model. Together they raised the Nevada News Bureau from the dead in 2017 and rebranded it the Nevada Independent.
It’s been a rocky road financially. There have been a number of times when the Indy was forced to lay off employees and/or cut their salaries.
And last year, for whatever reason(s) – either she finally got fed up with his liberal bullsh*t or he engineered a takeover of the operation and snatched it out from under her (I don’t know and don’t care) – Crum left the operation.
Now get this…
According to the last IRS report by the Nevada News Bureau in 2023, it spent a whopping $3 MILLION+ – including $250,000 for Ralston himself. No wonder it’s struggled so badly financially – and will continue doing so.
Enter AI.
As I noted a few days ago, I’ve been studying this technology and learning ways to use it in politics under the tutelage of Perry Belcher for the past two years. If you’re learning AI but aren’t learning it from Perry, you’re not learning from the best.
His focus is on business, but I’m able to translate it into politics. And since the election I’ve been playing with and adapting a number of powerful new AI tools to produce original content for the new-and-improved (but not lemon-scented) Nevada News & Views.
And just before Christmas, I was fortunate enough to bring Brittany Sheehan into the operation. She “gets” AI, its power, and potential and is taking us to places heretofore unimaginable.
Faster. Better. Far less costly. And it’s only going to get better.
In addition to being a world-class liberal jackass, Ralston’s also a dinosaur. A “Jackassaurus” if you will. He’s surely aware of AI’s potential in this realm, but his ego won’t allow him to switch models – which would likely mean laying off more of his staff and/or cutting their salaries…again.
Meanwhile, Brittany and I can produce high-quality content that conservatives are interested in for a fraction of what he’s spending and have two- or three-times the content his operation produces before he’s had his morning coffee.
Let me give you two recent examples…
Conservatives all across the country are talking about CNN’s new conservative celebrity, Scott Jennings. But most know nothing about him.
Well, I couldn’t sleep and got up around three o’clock this morning and used a handful of AI tools (oh, and they’re NOT the ones like ChatGPT that most people have heard about) to “write” an article about him (see link below).
Took me a “long” time because I had to play around with some new “prompts” that I hadn’t tried before. And by long, I mean around 15 minutes from start to finish (it would normally take me 2-3 hours).
For the second example, I first want to point out that liberal bias in the news isn’t just what’s written, but what’s written about.
Rarely in the mainstream press are conservative issues, elected officials, and candidates even covered, let alone in a positive light. At best, the mainstream trots out “RINOs” (Republicans in Name Only) to “prove” they’re being “fair.”
It’s total BS.
No way, no how the mainstream press would ever cover someone like Erica Neely, who ran for the state Assembly in Nevada last year. But thanks to our embrace of AI, we can and will do it from here on out.
For an article a couple days ago, we did a recorded interview with Ms. Neely about her newly-formed conservative Hispanic Liberty Alliance organization.
Uploaded the recording to an AI tool, had it transcribed, then used another AI tool to generate the article under specific instructions and topped it off with an appropriate AI-generated graphic that we don’t have to pay a royalty fee to use.
The original interview took 30 minutes. Everything else from start to finish took all of five minutes. If you missed the article, click here.
The same process and technology will be used during the upcoming legislative session to get the CONSERVATIVE viewpoint on proposed bills from legislators and organization leaders.
And if those folks want to write their own material and have it published, we’re here at Nevada News & Views, the Silver State’s #1 conservative news site.
On the other hand, if you want to read crap attacking conservatives – such as the Nevada Independent’s hit piece today on Republican Lt. Gov. Stavros Anthony for creating a task force to keep men out of women’s sport – well, for $3 million you still have Jon “Studebaker” Ralston’s rag.
In closing…
- If you’d like to learn how to do this and become an independent “stringer” for NN&V, shoot an email to editor@nevadanewsandviews.com. No experience of expensive journalism degree required! As Elon said, “You ARE the media now!”
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Hasta la vista, baby!