This Las Vegas Review-Journal headline that came into my email box yesterday afternoon caught my attention: “Nevada Hispanic group endorses Teijeiro over Titus.”
“An influential Hispanic group on Saturday announced it endorsed Republican Dr. Annette Teijeiro over U.S. Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., delivering a blow to the incumbent in the 1st Congressional District,” wrote reporter Laura Myers (who Ralston now despises because Myers referred to him as a “blogger” in a Laxalt story earlier in the week).
I guess it really isn’t too much of a surprise that that Hispanics in Politics endorsed the Hispanic candidate over an old, lily-white candidate – I mean, that’s the way race politics is played.
But with a huge voter registration advantage in the district, the HIP endorsement is anything but a “blow” to Titus’ campaign. Teijeiro has no chance in this district unless Titus gets indicted for something.
And even then.
But that wasn’t the real story in the story. Indeed, once you got past the Teijeiro/Titus non-story in the opening paragraph, you learned of what should have been the lead in the story. Get this…
In Nevada’s 3rd congressional district race – pitting white Republican Rep. Joe Heck against white liberal Democrat Erin Bilbray-Kohn – the Hispanic members of Hispanics in Politics voted to endorse Heck.
A reasonable and responsible decision since Heck, as a member of the majority party in Congress, has been vocal in advocating for reasonable and responsible immigration reform that includes tougher border enforcement with no amnesty.
Nevertheless, we learned in the story that Fernando Romero – a Hispanic race hustler and president of the organization – unilaterally overrode the endorsement vote of his membership!
“We cannot see why we should endorse a man that does not support the wants and the needs of the Hispanic community,” Romero declared, equating “amnesty” with “wants and needs.”
“We’ll be endorsing Erin Bilbray.”
You are NOT reading this wrong.
The members of Hispanics in Politics voted to endorse Heck. But Romero and his “We Know Better” board told their members to pound sand. They’re giving Bilbray-Kohn the nod no matter what his members “want and need” because…well, I guess because Bilbray-Kohn is a liberal Democrat and that’s what Harry Reid wants.