Hecht, Crouch ink Tax Pledge

Now this is both hilarious and sad at the same time.

On Monday I sent an email to all the state legislative candidates who provided an email address when they filed to run for office asking them to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.  Two candidates immediately “unsubscribed.”

Senate Minority Leader Moderate Mike Roberson & Assembly Minority Leader Pat Hickey.

Two moderate Gumby Republican peas in a pod!

Meanwhile, University Regent and former state Assemblyman Ron Knecht has signed the Tax Pledge for his race this year for state Controller, writing…

“I’ve got a great record of fighting and working for limited-government conservative causes and upholding The Pledge I signed long ago.  Although I’ve signed numerous times. it’s still binding.  I’m happy to sign again.”

Although the Controller doesn’t get a chance to vote on tax hikes, he or she can certainly actively oppose any that may be proposed, including any further extensions of the sunsets.  Thank you, Regent Knecht, for remaining a champion of Nevada taxpayers!

And joining Mr. Knecht in also inking the Pledge this week was Rex “The only Serious Republican running in Nevada Assembly District 27” Crouch who is so serious about his commitment to not raising taxes if elected that he not only signed his Tax Pledge, he had it NOTARIZED!  Check it out

And click here for the entire updated 2014 list of Taxpayer Protection Pledge signers in Nevada.


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