Girl’s Day Out

Two quick observations about Sunday’s Preakness….

1.) Race organizers who decided to prohibit race fans from bringing their own beer to the infield for the day’s fun and festivities are guilty of a crime against humanity and ought to be rounded up and shot. And we mean that in a good Christian way, of course. Those drunken Sunday afternoons at Pimlico in my youth were some of the best times I’ll never remember.

2.) It was one of the more thrilling sports moments in history watching that girl horse, Rachel Alexandra, beat that entire field of boy horses. Girl power!

But there’s a politically incorrect lesson to be learned here, as well. If the girls wanna run with the boys, they need to do so on an equal playing field. Notice that Rachel Alexandra wasn’t given a head start and the boys weren’t required to wear weights around their ankles. No special accommodations or advantages. There are no “ladies tees” in horse racing….nor should there be.

That said, as long as standards aren’t lowered, women absolutely should be allowed to compete against men. And you gotta love Rachel Alexandra owner Jess Jackson’s response when asked whether fillies (that’s girl horses for you city slickers) should be allowed to run in races against colts (that’s boy horses for you city slickers).

“Champions should race against champions,” Jackson replied. Amen.

They say that if you want to be the best you have to beat the best. And darned if the best who beat the best didn’t turn out to be a girl at the Preakness on Sunday. A true American champion.


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