First-Born Enters Teenhood with a BANG!

"Go ahead, make her day!"
“Go ahead, make her day!”

Seems like only yesterday, but it was 13 years ago today that my first daughter, Kristen, was born.

And what better way to usher in the “teen years” than a trip to Bob Irwin’s The Gun Store in Las Vegas to fire off some lead for the first time in her life!

Yes, I know some misguided people think it’s downright criminal to put a gun in the hands of a 13-year-old. To them I say:Bite me!

"Don't feel so lucky now, do ya, punk?"
“Don’t feel so lucky now, do ya, punk?”

My baby shot a bit high at the demonic clown target on the first two shots with the Glock 19.

But after that it was one head shot after another – including one right between the eyes.

She then switched to a Ruger for the Zombie Woman.

Boom, boom, boom! Almost every shot a dead-on head shot.

(Must be the part-Sicilian blood from her mother’s side.)

And then the coup de grace; the gun liberals love to hate…

Kristen 13th birthday 1
“Happiness is a warm gun!”

The dreaded AR-15.

I don’t know why people are so scared of this gun. The one Kristen shouldered had a cute little pink stock and grip. Very lady-like.

But BLAM-O!! Did my baby do a number of that scarved terrorist hiding behind the sand dune! Every shot to the head; not one miss. Like a Navy SEAL. Now THAT’S gun control! What a rush.

After that we went to Texas Station for an old-fashioned, all-American breakfast of bacon and eggs. Helluva a way to celebrate the arrival of teen-hood, I tell ya.

Sure hope this doesn’t upset Nevada gun-grabber Assemblyman William Horne (D-Brady Bunch).

But if it does, I have two words for him:

Bite me!


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