In a business often conducted as blood sport, Paul Henry was a class act. The former chairman of the Nevada Democratic Party was informed, intelligent and always a happy warrior. Even those of us who did political battle with the guy liked and respected him.
Paul died last week. The following is a farewell written by Republican University Regent Mark Alden which expresses the thoughts of a lot of us who knew Paul:
The State of Nevada has lost a great one, my good friend Paul Henry. He was a Nevadan first; a loyal Democrat leader second.
I learned with disbelief the passing of Paul Henry. Paul had visited my office less than three months ago discussing the viability of various investment vehicles for the Nevada System of Higher Education.
When Jeb Bush and James Carville spoke at the Barrick Lecture Series, Paul attended with several of his political allies. Paul, as always, was very engaging and informative about the current political climate. He spoke very highly of Jeb Bush and James Carville.
Paul exemplified the true leadership qualities of a composite political leader. He had many friends, Democratic, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, Right Wing, Left Wing and No Wing. He was a combination of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight David Eisenhower, Adlai Stevenson, John Kennedy, Ronald Regan and Bill Clinton. Paul had it all.
Paul was a great family man. He loved and adored his wife Diane and their two daughters, Alexandra and Katie, and his brother Michael.
I have lived in Nevada almost fifty years and I have never seen the likes of Paul Henry and never will again. Paul was definitely one of a kind, valued advisor to Senator Harry Reid, former State Chairman of the Democratic Party, well respected political consultant, well liked person by both political parties and most important, a family man.
I will miss Paul immensely. I have lost a true friend, but the greatest loss is to the State of Nevada and the Nation.
Good Bye, Paul.