Fake News Alert: Ralston’s Deceptive Spin on Trump’s Border Crisis Fix

(Chuck Muth) – My buddy Jon Ralston’s liberal blubber-blog, the Nevada Co-Dependent, continues to burp up propaganda in opposition to President Donald Trump’s efforts to fix the border crisis.

Let’s take a look at one of his blog’s Sunday articles on the subject…

It quotes Jacinto Alfaro, who said he’s not too concerned with Trump’s proposed deportation campaign and “anti-immigrant rhetoric.”

The blog post conveniently left out that we’re talking about ILLEGAL immigrants, not legal ones.  It also left out whether Alfaro is a legal or illegal immigrant himself.

A couple paragraphs down, the blogger referred to “Trump’s anti-immigration rhetoric,” AGAIN leaving out the word “illegal.”  A lie of omission.

The post goes on to assert that “Nevada has the largest per capita undocumented population of any state.”

Silly, liberal word play. They’re not “undocumented.”  They’re “illegal.”  They don’t have “documents” because they entered our country illegally. Duh.

The blog post then highlights Nevada State Sen. Edgar Flores (D-Clark) who “cautioned people not to allow immigration officials into their home even if the person answering is a legal resident.”

I’m old enough to remember when the TSA nightmare was created, liberals told us that “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.”

The post goes on to quote Maria Guadalupe Arreola as saying she’s “a bit worried about the separation of families with mass deportations.”

Naturally, as Border Czar Tom Homan has repeatedly pointed out, there’s absolutely no reason for family separations.  Illegal aliens who are deported because they aren’t supposed to be here are perfectly welcome to take their families with them.

Of course, no mention of that in the blog post.

Ralston’s blogger continues and quotes “Jesse Rivera, a 21-year-old UNLV student,” who said he’s “concerned about himself and his family, who immigrated from Mexico.”

Naturally, no reference to the immigration status of any of them.

If they came here legally, no problem.  If they came here illegally, well, um, THAT’S the problem.  And Trump – with a mandate from voters – is fixing it.

Ralston loves to portray himself as some kind of super-journalist.  But this isn’t journalism. It’s fake news propaganda by intentionally leaving out critical aspects of the story and intentionally providing misinformation on things like ILLEGAL immigration.

Typical Ralston.


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