Election Security Opponent Caught Playing Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

(Chuck Muth) – Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo has introduced an election reform bill (SB405) to make it harder to cheat while keeping it easy to vote – for those LEGALLY eligible to do so.

Voting in Nevada can’t get much easier.  You can vote in-person on Election Day.  You can vote early for two weeks before Election Day.  You can mail in your ballot.  Or drop it off at various locations if you don’t trust the post office.

And by the way, Nevadans have been able to vote-by-mail for DECADES.  All you had to do was ask the Election Department to send you an absentee ballot – no reason needed.

The difference today is that Democrats in 2021 changed the law to automatically mail a ballot to EVERY voter – whether they wanted one or not.  And in last November’s general election, HALF of the million voters who voted chose NOT to mail in their ballots.

What a waste of taxpayer dollars.  And with the state’s voter files being anything but pristine, what an opportunity to commit voting fraud.

The two main planks of the governor’s proposal – unanimously supported by GOP legislators in Carson City – would simply return mail-in voting to opt-in, rather than opt-out, and require voter ID so no one can fraudulently cast a ballot in your name, or in the name of someone who has permanently moved, or has passed away.

Who could argue with that?

Let me introduce you to Emily Persaud-Zamora, executive director of Silver State Voices, a far-left organization of race-baiters dedicated to pursuing “political power with Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), and all people of color (BIPOC).”

Saltine-Americans need not apply.

And last week Zamora whipped out her etch-a-sketch and scribbled a brain-dead column in opposition to Gov. Lombardo’s reforms which, naturally, liberal blubber-blogger Jon Ralston published on his Nevada Codependent news site.

Her column’s headline reads: “Reject measures that restrict access to voting.”

So right out of the gate she’s lying.

Anyone who wants to receive a mail-in ballot would still be able to get one.  And requiring ID doesn’t restrict access to voting any more than requiring ID restricts access to buying a beer, cashing a check or boarding a plane.

“It is disappointing that Gov. Lombardo is advocating to repeal or restrict mail-in ballots,” she scribbled.

No he isn’t.

The ability to request a mail-in ballot would be retained, not repealed.  Seriously. You could look it up. It’s right there in the bill.  The only change is that mail-in ballots would only be mailed to people who, you know, ask for one.

That’s not a restriction; that’s a choice.  It’s like choosing your meal from a menu.  McDonald’s doesn’t automatically serve every customer a hamburger.  You only get one if you ask for it. Derp.

“As has been shown time and time again,” The Great Zamora continued, “our election process in Nevada is safe and secure.”

No it isn’t.

In a well-publicized case following the 2020 elections, a Las Vegas man was caught and prosecuted for voting his dead wife’s ballot.  It was in all the news.  Not sure how Emily missed it.

One can only wonder how many other fraudulent mail-in ballots were cast.

In addition, in a Clark County commission race that same year – that was decided by just a dozen votes – the Registrar of Voters himself reported “139 voting discrepancies” he couldn’t account for.

So much for the argument that possible voting fraud is so small that it wouldn’t affect an election.

Zamora prattles on, arguing that “waiting in long lines to vote is simply not an option.”

Yes it is.

Happens to procrastinators who wait ‘til the last minute to vote in person all the time. So it absolutely is an option.  Always has been and will continue to be.  However…

If you don’t want to take the chance of waiting in a long line to vote on election day, you’d still have the option of voting early or requesting a mail-in ballot that you can either mail in or drop off.

“Our state does not need to impose unnecessary restrictions, such as voter ID laws, on our constitutional right to vote,” Gen Z burbled on.  “Voter ID laws disproportionately impact low-income voters, young voters, voters of color, and elderly voters.”

When they have to play the race card, you know they’re not playing with a full deck.

How is requiring an ID to vote an “unnecessary restriction,” but not so to buy alcohol, cash a check, donate blood, rent a car, buy a house, fly on a plane, get married, adopt a dog, buy a cell phone, pick up a prescription, or check into a cheap motel for a little “afternoon delight.”

Those “restrictions,” by the way, apply to rich and poor alike; young and old alike; and black, white, brown and every other color under the sun alike.

And get this!

The governor’s proposal would require “the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a voter identification card, free of charge, to a registered voter who does not possess one  of the acceptable forms of proof of identity and who is experiencing financial hardship.”

In case you missed the operative words: “…free of charge…”

As in “no cost.”  Who can’t afford free?

Or is Mz. Zamora arguing that “low-income voters, young voters, voters of color, and elderly voters” are just too stupid to get a free voter ID card?  How insulting.

And for the record, a recent poll showed that 74% of Nevadans support requiring ID to vote, with only 8% opposed and another 18% who have no position on the issue.

Princess Emily concluded by declaring that “Restricting mail-in ballots and imposing voter ID laws…make it harder for people to vote.”

No they don’t (see above).

And anyone who claims they do is simply lying…because in this case, lying is all they got.

7 Worst Habits of Highly Unelectable People

  1. Picking the wrong race
  2. Picking the wrong district
  3. Picking the wrong issues
  4. Picking the wrong time
  5. Picking the wrong consultants
  6. Picking unnecessary fights with the media
  7. Picking door-knocking over fundraising


“I wish I could legislate what parents do, but I cannot.” – Nevada Democrat Party Chairman and State Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of CampaignDoctor.com.  You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at MuthsTruths.com.  His views are his own.


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