Drive-By Muthings: October 6, 2012

* Has Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval stumped for or raised money for any Republican legislative challenger candidates this fall (not including caucus or party events), or does he prefer to keep the Democrats in office who he knows he can count on to raise taxes next year?

* Seriously. There are 5 legitimate GOP pick-up possibilities in the Assembly. Has Gov. Sandoval campaigned with or for…any of them?

* Yes, “moderate” Mitt Romney re-appeared at last week’s debate; however, this doesn’t seem to bother conservatives as much as you might think. First, it was no surprise. Conservatives have known this was coming all along. Secondly, a moderate compared to the socialist alternative is far preferable.

But lastly and most importantly, Romney’s aggressiveness sent the signal that he, unlike John McCain, might actually be ready, willing and able to do hand-to-hand combat with Obama. Conservatives don’t so much mind losing a fight as they mind Republicans refusing to fight a fight.

* Barack Obama’s executive order extending “temporary” amnesty for some illegal aliens is now estimated to include some 1.7 million immigrants in the country illegally. Adding insult to injury: A new Obama edict assuring unscrupulous employers who have knowingly hired illegal aliens that they will suffer no penalty unless they committed “egregious violations of criminal statutes or widespread abuse.”

Knowing hiring illegal aliens is apparently not an “egregious violation.” Lovely.

* Has anyone else heard the rumor that the real reason Democrat congressional candidate John Oceguera isn’t a lawyer despite graduating from law school is because he wasn’t able to pass the bar…and I’m not talking about the Firkin’ and Fox?

* GOP congressional candidate Danny Tarkanian issued a statement on Friday saying he was “fed up” with his Democrat opponent, Steven Horsford, calling him an “extremist.” Wrong response.

Tark should have taken a page from Marine Corps General Charles Krulak, who upon learning in 1997 that Assistant Secretary of the Army Sara Lister had characterized the Marine Corps as ‘extremists’ responded: “Honor, courage and commitment are not extreme.”

Fiscal responsibility is not extreme. Accountability to the taxpayers is not extreme. Letting families keep more of what they earn is not extreme. Individual liberty is not extreme. Enforcing the law is not extreme. Supporting the greatest free market in human history is not extreme. Insisting on constitutional government is not extreme.

Electing a race-baiting, platitude-filled, tax-hiking mush-head? THAT’S extreme!

* Las Vegas Sun columnist J. Patrick Coolican wrote this week that there’s a good chance Republican congressional candidate Danny Tarkanian might have to file for bankruptcy over a land deal gone bad, maintaining his election would make Nevada “something of a national embarrassment.”

Hmm, not necessarily.

*If* Tarkanian is forced into bankruptcy, he’ll join some other political “embarrassments,” such as: Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, William McKinley, Harry Truman and George McGovern. Also non-political “embarrassments” such as Michael Jackson, Elton John, John Wayne, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Henry Ford, Johnny Unitas, Larry King and even the late, great Walt Disney.

And more recently, Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (D-Texas), an eight-term congressman who ironically was serving on the House Financial Services Committee when he filed his personal bankruptcy in 2011. Is Texas embarrassed? Somehow, I don’t think so.

* OK, according to the liberal New York Times, renewing the Bush tax cuts is a tax cut. However, according to liberals in Nevada (including some Republican legislative candidates), extending the Raggio tax hikes of 2009 is not a tax hike.

I’m so confused.

* Oh, and I’m sure this will do wonders for Nevada job creation: “Because Nevada owes $681 million to the federal government, employers likely will pay a 12.5 percent higher state unemployment tax on each of their employees in 2013.” (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

* According to, “The US Department of Labor estimates that the average family of four spends $8,513 per year on groceries, or about $709 per month.” That’d be an extra $49.63 a month in higher taxes out of your pocket in Nevada if Republican state senate candidate Pete “Tax My Meat” Goicoechea’s 7% grocery tax was to pass.

* Reno crackpot Wayne Terhune issued a long treatise last week trying to explain why it wasn’t his fault, as chairman of the Nevada GOP convention delegation in Tampa, that the Nevada GOP delegation made itself look like a national horse’s ass.

Apparently someone has failed to advise Mr. Terhune that his 15 minutes are up. Scram.


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