Drive-By Muthings: October 31, 2012

* I’m sure many of you have seen the photograph going ‘round the net purportedly showing the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier manning their post during Hurricane Sandy. Well, it turns out the photograph was actually taken during a rainstorm in September, not during “Frankenstorm.”

That said, you owe it to yourself to click here and appreciate what these men DO go through, day in, day out, year in, year out, rain, snow or shine.

* Spoiler Alert: If Republicans lose the U.S. Senate race in Montana, it could be because a far-left liberal group dumped $500,000 worth of TV ads into the race, NOT supporting the Democrat candidate, but the third-party Libertarian candidate.

If the tactic succeeds in pulling away enough conservative support from the GOP candidate to hand victory to the Democrat, expect to see this sort of thing playing out all over the country in 2014…including here in Nevada. Click here for the full story.

* In what has been characterized as “vendetta politics,” the teachers union yesterday blocked the Clark County School District from bidding for a $40 million federal grant in a hissy fit over salary negotiations – proof positive that the union doesn’t give a damn about the 41,000 students in Clark County schools, only their own greedy dues-paying members.

I think it’s about time for someone to declare war on the teachers union here, don’t you, Governor?

* Ah, another day; another absentee ballot mailer from the IDAHO Republican Party. What an embarrassment. And the mailers themselves, by the way, suck eggs. Lame-o extreme-o.

* A story a couple days ago reveals that Steve Kirk, candidate for State Senate District 5 in Clark County, supports re-imposing the job-killing payroll tax hike, expanding Medicaid…and taxing haircuts! Did I mention he’s the “Republican” candidate?

* Speaking of state senate candidates, the RJ had a story this week noting how all five of the hand-picked, moderate GOP candidates in the five competitive districts have vastly outraised their Democrat opponents. And that doesn’t even count independent expenditures.

If Republicans fail to win control of the upper house next Tuesday, there will be no excuse.

* From the Department of Personnel is Policy: Professional bureaucrat Bruce Breslow – DMV chief and former head of Nevada’s anti-Yucca Mountain agency – has been tapped by Gov. Brian Sandoval as the new head of the state’s Department of Business and Industry.

Apparently there are no skilled professional in business or industry qualified to, you know, run the government department overseeing business and industry.


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