Did Gov. Sisolak Really Hoard Hydroxychloroquine for Prisoners?

(Chuck Muth) – A widely circulated story has been going around the past few days claiming that Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, after banning doctors from prescribing the anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients, began hoarding a version of the drug for Nevada prisoners.

The original report, published on April 2nd by blogger Rob Lauer, cites UN-NAMED “sources” at “Concordia Pharmaceuticals” – a multi-national corporation that hasn’t operated under that name since November of 2018 – as the basis for his story.

Folks, those of you who have been reading Muth’s Truths over the past couple of weeks know that NO ONE has been harder on the governor’s actions during this coronavirus crisis than yours truly.

But to take this totally unverified “click bait” story at face value is, at the very least, irresponsible.  And not how *I* do business.

So I contacted Concordia Pharmaceuticals; now doing business as Advanz Pharma with its corporate headquarters in the United Kingdom.  I spoke directly with their Head of Communications, Meral Nugent, who strongly and categorially denied the report.

“Hi Chuck,” she wrote in a follow-up email, “as discussed, I can confirm that Advanz Pharma has never made any such statement now or at any other time in the past.”

Look, it’s neither fair nor right when those on the left make unfounded, undocumented and unsupported accusations against President Trump.  And it’s equally wrong for those on the right to do so to Gov. Sisolak.

So unless Mr. Lauer is willing to NAME his alleged anonymous source at “Concordia Pharmaceuticals” so the accusation can be verified, please stop spreading this “fake news” crap around.


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