Dhillon Insurgency in GOP Chair Race Gathering Steam

(Chuck Muth) – There’s a heated race going on right now for the chairman’s position at the Republican National Committee (RNC) between incumbent chair Ronna McDaniel, California Republican National Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon, and MyPillow’s Mike Lindell.

The election is scheduled to be held next Friday at the RNC’s Winter Meeting in Dana Point, CA.

As the RNC has a tradition of electing a fellow RNC member when a Republican isn’t in the White House, Lindell’s bid has to be seen as a longshot while Dhillon’s bid is looking increasingly doable.

An indicator that the race between McDaniel and Dhillon has tightened were the personal “whisper campaign” attacks on Dhillon’s Sikh religion last week. To which Dhillon responded…

“To be very clear, no amount of threats to me or my team, or bigoted attacks on my faith traceable directly to associates of the chair, will deter me from advancing positive change at the RNC, which includes new standards of accountability, transparency, integrity, and decency.”

Dhillon has also been accused of not being personable, to which she responded…

“Some Ronna-stans knock me for not being huggable & ‘nice’ enough. I’ll allow it – but I’m not running for prom queen; I’m running to lead the RNC out of the fog of malaise, mediocrity & ‘good enough,’ into a lean, mean, ballot-returning machine!”

Indeed, one of the main reasons there’s a disturbance in The Force is how badly the GOP has handled the “voting fraud” issue.  This week, Dhillon published a column detailing the RNC’s failures on election integrity over the past two election cycles and what she’d do to fix it.

You can read it here.

Some major RNC major donors have recently thrown their support Dhillon’s way.  For example, mega-donor Richard Uihlein

“Of all the candidates, Harmeet Dhillon is best positioned to lead the RNC forward effectively. Her laser focus on winning elections, her aggressive nature, her thorough knowledge of election law and procedures, and her stellar communications skills, are among the attributes that lead to my conclusion.” 

Bernie Marcus, Home Depot cofounder and fellow GOP mega-donor, seconded that emotion…

“I am supporting Harmeet Dhillon to become the next chairwoman of the RNC because America’s path forward is at stake. Harmeet Dhillon is a fighter in our courts, in the media, and elsewhere. The RNC needs someone with her real-world experience, tenacity, and toughness.”

State and county GOP parties have issued resolutions and statements in support of new leadership at the top. For example, this from the Idaho GOP this week…

“Therefore, be it resolved that the IDGOP Chair, Dorothy Moon, along with IDGOP National Committeeman, Damond Watkins, and IDGOP National Committeewoman, Cindy Siddoway, vote to replace the current RNC Chair, Ronna McDaniel.”

Added the Fairfax County GOP…

“The Fairfax County Republican Committee strongly recommends Virginia Republican National Committee representatives cast their votes on January 27 for Harmeet Dhillon for Republican National Committee Chairperson.”

And conservative media figures and grassroots activists are getting involved in this important party election like never before.

For example, Raynard Jackson, founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future, labeled McDaniel, Mitt Romney’s niece, an “unmitigated disaster” in a column this week…

“There is absolutely nothing in her tenure as chairman that warrants another term.  She was appointed by President Trump to the position after his successful 2016 presidential election.  He wanted someone in the position that he would have total control over; and Romney (McDaniel) was more than willing to oblige.  There is absolutely no rationale for Romney (McDaniel) being elected to another two-year term.”

Added Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots…

“Harmeet Dhillon bleeds Republican Party red.  She’s invested her time, energy, and money into defending the principles of freedom, even when others would not. … I strongly encourage every member of the RNC to vote for Harmeet Dhillon to be the next party chair.”

In addition, some RNC members who signed a letter of endorsement for McDaniel two months ago have changed their mind and come out publicly with endorsements of Dhillon.  And there may be more who are just keeping their mouth closed because votes will be cast via secret ballot.

National GOP fundraiser Caroline Wren tweeted this week…

“You will not believe the amount of RNC 168 members we have talked to who said, ‘Look, my name is on Ronna’s endorsement list letter. But I’m going to vote for (Dhillon). I just don’t want the retaliation to come to me and my state and lose my funding.'”

Officially, former President Donald Trump is “neutral” in the race, but insiders widely believe he’s pushing for McDaniel’s re-election behind the scenes, hoping to have a pliable RNC chair in place as he mounts his comeback bid for the White House in ’24.

So where are Nevada’s three RNC members on this race?

Newly-elected Nevada Republican National Committeewoman Sigal Chattah is all-in for Dhillon; however, State Chairman Michael McDonald and National Committeeman Jim DeGraffenreid both signed onto the letter endorsing McDaniel back in November.

Now…if you’d like to get involved in this important election by urging McDonald and DeGraffenreid to switch their public allegiance from McDaniel’s failed record to Dhillon, shoot ‘em an email.  And if you’re not sure what to say in your email, our friend Richard Viguerie over at Conservative HQ has provided sample text for you to send…

Dear RNC Member:

The purpose of the Republican National Committee (RNC) is to win elections for GOP candidates. As a conservative Republican, I am very concerned that the RNC has failed in its mission in the last three elections.

In 2018 we lost the majority of the U.S. House of Representatives, in 2020 we lost the White House and the majority of the U.S. Senate, and last year we failed to take back the U.S. Senate and barely won back the U.S. House despite widespread predictions of a “red wave” because so many important issues favored Republican candidates.

We as a nation still face serious problems caused by the Democrats: open borders, increased crime, economic and inflation issues, destruction of traditional family values, constant attacks on our constitutional freedoms, and many others.

It is time for a change in leadership. We must start winning elections again so that conservative policies can be enacted to stop America from socialist ruin due to Joe Biden and congressional Democrats.

I urge you to vote for Harmeet Dhillon for RNC chairman. She will put us back on the road to winning elections and saving America.

Winning elections.  And saving America.  Isn’t that worth a minute of your time to shoot off a quick email today?  Send it to…


“A recent poll of over 1,000 Republican voters found that 86% would support Harmeet Dhillon as the new RNC Chair over Ronna McDaniel. The era of a status quo Republican Party is over whether those clinging onto power realize it yet or not.” – Charlie Kirk, TPUSA

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of CampaignDoctor.com.  You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at MuthsTruths.com.  His views are his own.



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