Dave Espinosa is running for the position of Nevada Republican National Committeeman in the election coming up at the meeting in Fallon on February 15 and is reportedly Gov. Brian Sandoval’s (R&R-Advertising) anointed candidate against two conservative candidates, Pat Kerby and Lee Hoffman.
This past week, Espinosa sent out an email to Central Committee members asking for their support. The following is an interesting response from one of the members who received Espinosa’s email…
Hello Dave,
I received your email yesterday afternoon (below) requesting support for your candidacy for Republican National Committeeman. I have the following questions based on what you wrote to me:
Under the paragraph below titled, LEADERSHIP, you stated the following:
“I have served as the Chairman of many committees within the Washoe County Republican Party, have been a member of the Nevada Republican Central Committee for several years, and have been a member of the executive board of various conservative organizations, including the Nevada Republican Assembly.”
With respect to the above statement, could you clarify the following:
1. Specifically, which committees of the Washoe County Republican Party (“WCRP”) have you chaired? I have been a member of the Washoe County Republican Central Committee since 2007 and cannot remember you being the chairman of any committees, with the exception of recently resigned chairman, Tom Taber’s appointment of you as Candidate Recruitment Chairman about 4 months ago. Please enlighten me as to which other “Chairs” you have occupied for the WCRP and when you did so and the name of the WCRP chairman that appointed you?
2. Please list the names of the “various conservative organizations” whose executive boards you have served and the capacity and dates which you have served?
Next, under the paragraph (below) titled, FUNDRAISING, you stated the following:
“I was the most successful fundraising Assembly candidate for Northern Nevada in 2012, out raising all other candidates from any party.”
1. You were a candidate for Assembly District 31 in Washoe County. District 31 is a “Republican Edge” district. In other words, there are more active Republicans registered to vote in AD 31 than there are Democrats. Yet, you lost the election to one of the most liberal Democrats in the 2013 Legislature whom you claim you didn’t raise as much money as you did. Can you explain why you were the only Republican in Nevada to lose a “Republican Edge” legislative district in the 2012 General Election despite having all these funds at your disposal
2. Your C & E filings with the Secretary of State indicate that you paid substantial “Consulting Fees” to campaign consultants. This begs the question: Did you or the consultants raise the money?
3. All Republican insurgents, to my knowledge, that won election to the Nevada Assembly in the 2012 General Election, signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. All insurgents that lost their attempt to be elected to the Nevada Assembly refused to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Do you think your refusal to sign this pledge cost you the election?
Thanks in advance for responding to the above questions as promptly as possible as the February 15th NRCC meeting, where the next committeeman will be selected, is quickly approaching.
Steve Donahue
Member, NRCC