Nevada Guv Speaks with Forked-Tongue on Taxes

“Many legislators have referred to ‘enhancing revenues’, which simply means creating new taxes or raising existing taxes,” according to a statement from Gov. Jim Gibbons released yesterday afternoon. “Whether it’s income taxes, sales tax hikes, property tax hikes, DMV fee hikes, or higher taxes on businesses, legislators should bring their lists out of the shadows […]

Democrats Falling in Love with Reagan

I was informed yesterday morning that Nevada Democrat Assemblywoman Peggy Pierce invoked Ronald Reagan’s name in a “Nevada Newsmakers” interview this week by claiming that Reagan, when governor of California in 1967, broke the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and raised taxes.

Closing the Tax Hike Loophole

Hoping to limit the damage state legislators seem to do every time they meet, Nevada’s voters passed a constitutional amendment a few years ago limiting legislative sessions to 120 days every two years. Alas, it took legislators in the Assembly less than thirty days this year to approve the third largest tax hike in the […]

Have No Fear, Bug Man Is Here!

Mortgage meltdown. Foreclosed homes. Rising unemployment. A $2 billion budget hole. Choked highways. Failing schools. And yet…

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Assembly Republicans have unanimously co-sponsored a bill (AB 221) to increase the amount of money put into the state’s Rainy Day Fund. We’d tell you all about this bill…um, if the Assembly Caucus would issue, you know, like, a press release or a statement or a policy paper or…something on it. I mean, the Democrats […]

A Tale of Two Primary Bills

Sen. Joyce Woodhouse (D-Las Vegas) has introduced a bill (SB 162) to move Nevada’s primary elections from mid-August to mid-June. Such a move benefits under-funded challenger candidates, giving them an additional two months to communicate directly with voters before the general election, as well as replenish drained coffers after contested primary elections.

Guv Suddenly Discovers State Sovereignty

Responding to criticism yesterday by Democrat Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Las Vegas) – who said it was “foolish” that he might reject a little bit of the Barack Obama “spendulus” money because there are federal strings attached – Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons issued a press release defending his honor and conservative bona fides. No, really. Stop […]

Depends on Your Definition of “Essential”

“Of course, providing adequate services takes money and that money must come from taxation,” Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio (R-Reno) writes in a March 3 email to a constituent.  “In my view, Nevada cannot drastically cut taxes and still remain economically competitive, particularly in these difficult times when public revenues may not even be adequate […]

We All Play Different Roles

“Richard Viguerie,” reports John Fund of Political Diary, “a direct mail expert who began his career after the Goldwater defeat of 1964, says Republicans have to understand the dual nature of a political opposition.”

There He Goes Again

Gov. Jim Gibbons was on the Heidi Harris talk show in Las Vegas this morning and continued to dissemble about the room tax hike. When asked if he was going to veto the teachers union’s proposal if it makes its way to his desk, the forked-tongue governor said, “It’s not my job to stand in […]

Welcome to Taxapalooza ’09

“Legislative Democrats are looking at a revenue-raising plan that spreads the pain across most of the state’s major tax sources,” reported Geoff Dornan, veteran capital reporter for the Nevada Appeal over the weekend, confirming rumors we reported here in News and Views a week ago.

Heidi and the Beanstalk

Las Vegas Sun reporter J. Patrick Coolican inked an opinion column yesterday which outlines the strategy and tactical advantages of the “no new taxes” position. GOP legislative leaders ought to read it. It’s not all that complicated of a concept, yet Republicans in Carson City seem completely unable to grasp it.

A Divider, Not a Uniter

Republican Assemblyman Tom Grady appeared on Nevada Newsmakers Tuesday and was asked the following: Marlene Lockard: “How much controversy does (Chuck Muth) create within your caucus?” Grady: “A tremendous amount. I mean, fact is fact. He has some of the folks in the caucus that he is working with and it causes us some problems.”

Another “Ed Head” Is Born

In this week’s new guber-cast, Gov. Jim Gibbons declared, “I will not support use of any stimulus dollars to support new or expanded government programs that will require continued funding from the state.” Hmm. I wonder where I’ve heard that before? Oh, yeah, that’s right…

Yet Another “Extremist”

Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio (R-Reno) has taken to calling people who take a hard line against tax hikes “extremists.”

The Grady Bunch

Republican Assemblyman Tom Grady was interviewed on Nevada Newsmakers this week and was asked by host Sam Shad why he voted for the teachers union’s room tax hike. To which Mr. Grady responded that the governor’s proposed budget would result in the closure of three rural clinics in his district and so he voted for […]