Bill Watch

A pair of good conservative bills were introduced in the Nevada Legislature by Monday’s submission deadline.

nolan Knows the Nanny State

“Dennis, I hope you are not party to this obscene nanny state bill, that puts us one step closer to an absolute controlled POLICE STATE!!!” wrote Matt Walsh in an email to his state senator, dennis nolan, over a measure to make not wearing a seat belt a primary offense in Nevada.  “I do support […]

Burns Baby, Burns

In response to my call for Gov. Jim Gibbons to resign last week, gubernatorial communications director/press secretary Dan Burns had this to say to Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Molly Ball:

The Mis-Adventures of Li’l Nate

Some guy named Nathan Taylor wrote an email to legislative Republicans yesterday blasting me over my call for Gov. Gibbons to hand the keys to the Governor’s Mansion over to Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki. Nathan who? Oh, wait.  I remember that little whelp.

Some are Created More Equal than Others

“All but four members of Gov. Jim Gibbons’ staff will make a higher salary next fiscal year than what the Legislature approved for the current fiscal year, despite Gibbons’ proposal for all state workers to take a 6 percent pay cut,” reports Anjeanette Damon of Inside Nevada Politics.

Ah, What a Tangled Web He’s Weaved

According to Jon Ralston’s Flash e-newsletter, Gov. Jim Gibbons did an interview with Channel 8’s Gary Waddell in Las Vegas in which he said this about the teachers union’s 3 percent room tax hike bill: “I would never agree to being forced by a special interest group to earmark a certain amount of money for […]

Nolan Knows, and Loves, Big Brother

“Real ID will not do anything to make us more ‘secure’, ‘safe’, or anything else,” wrote Leonard Foster to his state senator, dennis “the menace” nolan recently. “I oppose Real ID and further government intrusion. We have more than enough socialist/communist programs in our lives now. We need to get rid of these, not add […]

Dogs Playing Poker

“Two of Southern Nevada’s ‘big three’ cultural institutions – the Las Vegas Philharmonic and the Nevada Ballet Theatre – are fighting to survive, and the third, the Las Vegas Art Museum, has closed indefinitely,” notes the Las Vegas Sun in an editorial today. “Last month, after 59 years of showcasing area artists’ creativity, the Las […]

Bank on It

Heritage Bank of Nevada, with five branches in northern Nevada, just turned down $8.6 million in strings-attached “bailout” money from President Obama, with bank President Stan Wilmoth telling the Reno Gazette-Journal that they are “a community bank with local control and don’t want the federal government to dictate terms to our customers.”

Headline Bias, In the News

Legislative Democrats conducted a pair of dog-and-pony “town hall” meetings in Reno and Las Vegas yesterday to discuss the budget. The headline about the event in the Reno Gazette-Journal this morning reads: “Many at Reno’s state budget hearings call to raise taxes.”

Stop Digging!

The problem with the Nevada Legislature is that legislators keep adding new feel-good program after new feel-good program without regard to how we, the taxpayers, are gonna pay for ‘em. That’s why we’re in the fiscal mess we’re in today. And you’d think the severity of the mess we’re in today would cause legislators, at […]

About That “Vote of the People” Crud

Gov. Gibbons has been going around saying the people of Nevada voted for that room tax hike. No, they didn’t. Only the people of Clark, Washoe and Lander county had an opportunity to vote for the advisory question last November. But some folks are asking why Nevadans in other counties should have been able to […]

This Is “Essential”?

Legislators from both parties are whining and gnashing their teeth about how proposed budget cuts will be “devastating” to “essential” government programs. Well, take a gander at what your tax dollars just funded, courtesy of Cy Ryan of the Las Vegas Sun. According to Ryan’s report, the Nevada Commission on Cultural Affairs just awarded $3 […]

The Con Job

According to Reno Gazette-Journal reporter Anjeanette Damon yesterday, Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley said that she, Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio and Assembly Minority Leader Heidi Gansert “have begun meeting to determine which of (Gov. Jim) Gibbons’ cuts they intend to restore in the budget. The budget subcommittees will then vote […]

I Thought There Was an Economic Crisis?

Listen to almost any legislative leader these days, Democrat or Republican, and you’re likely to hear that the governor’s proposed budget cuts due to the economic recession are “devastating” and will hurt “essential services.” AB 254, introduced last week by Democrat Assemblymen Mo Denis and Ruben Kihuen, would make “the Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for […]