Study This!

Apparently the economy isn’t so bad that Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio doesn’t think coughing up an additional $300,000 for a new taxpayer-funded tax study is a good idea.

As the UMC Turns

According to a Las Vegas Sun editorial today, a consequence of the decision to close the outpatient clinic for chemo-therapy at the poorly-managed, taxpayer-funded, government-run, unionized UMC hospital in Las Vegas was that “cancer patients were cut off from essential treatment.” There’s that word again: “essential.”

Don’t $#&% With the SEALs

Pirates, ye be warned. Here’s a quick New York Times synopsis of how the hostage situation off the coast of Somalia ended over Easter weekend…

Good Night, Sleep Tight

Proving once again that there is nothing, no matter how ridiculous, some elected officials won’t try to legislate, a Las Vegas Sun editorial on Friday notes that “some states are considering strengthening their laws to specifically ban falling asleep at the wheel.” Um, exactly how is a cop supposed to pull someone over who’s asleep? […]

Roll Out the Hammock

Thanks to conservative efforts at welfare reform during the Clinton administration, welfare recipients in Nevada may collect taxpayer-funded benefits for up to two years, at which point they must give up this individual taxpayer bailout assistance for one year before being eligible to collect an additional two years of taxpayer-funded welfare benefits.

Leave Non-Voters the Hell Alone

Municipal elections were held in five southern Nevada cities this week, and very few voters bothered to show up at the polls. Which has the media and political do-gooders gnashing their teeth and bemoaning the low interest level.

De Facto Leader of Doodley-Squat

Nevada Democrats sent out an email fundraising appeal this week which tried to tie the Luv Guv albatross around the Nevada GOP’s neck, claiming that Jim Gibbons “is the de facto leader of Nevada’s Republican Party.” And that BS set me off like an enraged ferret in a phone booth.

Cobbling Together a Common Sense Bill

I know it’s like shooting fish-sticks in the freezer, but let’s take a look at yet another example of major league Democrat hypocrisy in Carson City.

In the Interest of Full Disclosure

Jon Ralston’s column this morning is on an issue which is important, though not very sexy. It’s on Nevada’s ridiculously flawed campaign finance reporting requirements.

The Right Angle Against Reid

As political pundit Jon Ralston revealed today, former GOP assemblywoman and conservative tigress (not to be confused with an enraged ferret in a phone booth, if you know what I mean and I think you do) Sharron Angle has formed an exploratory committee and has begun to raise money for a possible challenge to Harry […]

Greedy Bastards

Despite the fact that private-sector workers by the tanker-load are losing their jobs or taking substantial pay and benefit cuts while business after business goes under, government employees in North Las Vegas this week refused to forgo their scheduled 4 percent cost-of-living increase for one year to help the city out of its financial difficulties.

Permit? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Permit

“Freedom of assembly,” explains Wikipedia, “is the individual right to come together with other individuals and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests.” In addition, notes the online encyclopedia, “The right to petition the government is the freedom of individuals to petition their government for a correction or repair of some form of injustice […]

Dream On, RINO Bob

Reno Mayor Bob Cashell says he’s still mulling a GOP gubernatorial primary bid next year. Talk about dreaming the impossible dream. The fact that Cashell is hosting a huge fundraising event for Democrat Harry Reid in Reno next Tuesday evening and loves tax hikes/big government almost as much as Reid himself means Cashell has about […]