Revenge of the Tea Party Hating Bureaucrats
As readers will recall, Las Vegas tea party organizers were dragged through “Bureaucrat Hell” before we were issued a “permit” to hold a public rally in a public park which ended up costing us over $600. Now, exactly a week AFTER the Tea Party rally at Sunset Park, Sr. Recreation Program Administrator Darrell Rich inked […]
The New Largest Tax Increase in History
The largest tax increase in Nevada history was passed by the Nevada Supreme Court (sort of) back in 2003. The hodgepodge of new taxes and tax hikes that year came to $833 million. So that’s the mark legislators this year would have to exceed to go down in history as voting for the largest tax […]
State-Sanctioned Legal Discrimination
The domestic partnership bill (SB 283) has stirred the pot considerably in the Nevada Legislature this session. At the core, the proposed bill would provide gay couples pretty much the same rights and protections as married couples under law, especially with regards to property rights, visitation rights, inheritance rights, etc.
Shuttle Buses to Nowhere
Listening to the shrill voices on the Left you’d think there is absolutely, positively no “fat” in government spending which can be cut.
Government Mandated Time off for School Plays
Another feel-good/policy-bad bill passed near-unanimously yesterday. AB 243 would force employers to give workers time off to attend their kid’s football game, school play or PTA meeting.
The Hardest Vote This Session
Compared to “voting against” kids with autism, voting for higher taxes is a walk in the park. And yet, that’s exactly what two principled Republicans (yes, unfortunately, only two) in the Assembly did today on AB 162.
National (In)Security
One of the reasons the Air Force’s F-22 Raptor costs some $140 million per plane to build is the United States and the United States alone has this most sophisticated fighter jet in the world. We are not building the Raptor in conjunction with any other nations or foreign-owned companies – and we do not […]
Late Busty Babe Using BK to Bilk Late Billionaire
It’s known to lawyers and legal experts as the case of Marshall vs. Marshall. To the rest of us it’s the long-running legal soap opera of Anna Nicole Smith, the 26-year-old stripper and Playboy model who married 89-year-old Texas oilman J. Howard Marshall. Then, after the billionaire passed away 14 months later, Smith and her […]
Yet Another Colossal TSA Embarrassment
The Boston Globe reported yesterday that only because of an inadvertent mistake by baggage handlers in Boston that it was discovered that the following items in a checked suitcase got past cracker-jack TSA (Thousands Standing Around) agents in Las Vegas earlier in the morning:
The Right to Shut the Hell Up
Thanks to the Tea Parties and other assorted events, I missed commenting on a bill (AB 1) by Assemblyman Lynn Stewart (RINO-Las Vegas) which survived the first elimination round of bill-killing and now moves forward to Round #2.
Good Republicans/Bad Republicans
When Republican Sen. John Ensign voted for the first bailout bill, many conservative Republicans criticized that vote. And when they did, they themselves were criticized for criticizing a Republican by many less-than-conservative Republicans. Republicans who criticize fellow Republicans are considered “bad” Republicans whether the elected Republican voted badly or not.
The Gibbons Truth Squad Rides Again
“After the legislative session Gov. Gibbons will come out very strong because he’s held to his promises,” campaign adviser Robert Olmer said in an Associated Press story yesterday about Gibbons’ big plans to run for re-election. Except. . . . .
Target-Rich, GOP-Free Environment
If only Republican leaders in the Legislature knew how to hit a big, fat, juicy softball over the fence. Or even back to the pitcher’s mound, for that matter. I mean, it doesn’t get handed to you on a silver platter any better than this – and yet what passes for GOP leadership in the […]
Waking the Sleeping Conservative Giant
In the 1970s war classic Tora! Tora! Tora!, Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is quoted as saying after the Pearl Harbor attack, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” That same quote might well be used today to describe what the election of Barack […]
Scene and Herd at Nevada Tea Parties
Some quotes and media accounts of yesterday’s wildly successful Tax Day Tea Parties held in Las Vegas and Carson City…
Las Vegas Tea for Two…Thousand
More than 2,000 people showed up for the Las Vegas Tax Day Tea Party which Citizen Outreach participated in today – and that doesn’t include the hundreds of people who continued to walk up and down the sidewalks outside the park during the event.
What to Do with Empty School Buildings
“Six new public schools are supposed to open in the fall,” reports the Las Vegas Review-Journal today, “but Clark County School Board member Sheila Moulton wonders whether it might be better to ‘mothball’ some of them because of the dire financial circumstances.”