When Business Interests Conflict with Public Policy
One of the more dishonest scams going on in the Legislature this year is the practice of pointing to various heavily conflicted “businessmen” and using them as examples of “business leaders” who support higher taxes to fund Nevada’s non-essential government services – such as UNLV’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion ($800,000….priceless!).
It’s the Spending, Stupid
A column by Nicole Gelinas this week in Forbes.com compares traditional high-tax “old” states such as California and New York to what has been traditionally low-tax “new” states such as Arizona, Florida and Nevada which are now facing budget problems.
Another Whopper by the Tax Hike Crowd Exposed
A new report by the Nevada Policy Research Institute reveals that Nevada “spends more than you think” on K-12 education.
The Freedom Budget
The loudest shrieking from the Left over Gov. Gibbons’ proposed budget is over how they claim it will destroy higher education, short-change lower education and….kill people. No, seriously. Democrat Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley actually said we have to raise taxes or people will die.
What Part of Plain English Doesn’t Gibbons Understand?
Good grief, here we go again.
A Slow Uncomfortable Screw
Here it comes. The big 2009 Nevada tax hike is right around the corner. Legislators need only to put the finishing touches on their big con and then….whammo!! One of the final pieces of the set-up was put in place on Monday.
Just Like B.O.
Our good friend and former Nevada GOP executive director Dan Burdish noticed an absolutely priceless item in today’s Las Vegas Review-Journal. The first paragraph reads: “A voter registration drive last year illegally required canvassers to meet quotas to keep their jobs and resulted in thousands of ‘garbage’ registrations gumming up Clark County voter rolls, officials […]
The Responsible Budget Alternative
The Economic Forum said Friday that the state can expect enough revenue over the next two years to afford about $5.1 billion worth of government, which is about a billion dollars less than Gov. Jim Gibbons proposed in his budget last January.
The Moose is Loose
Democrat Ways & Means Committee Chairman Morse “Moose” Arberry is pushing a bill that would force his bank to extend him more time before they foreclose on two of his properties. In the lawsuit, Arberry says he’s suing his bank because, get this, it expects him to actually pay the full amount he owes them.
Let’s see…..
The American Way is Not American Idol
Assembly Bill 413 would change the way the President of the United States is elected without going through the messy process of, you know, actually amending the Constitution. If passed, Nevada’s electoral votes would go to whichever candidate won the national popular vote, not necessarily who won Nevada.
Sebelius Makes Outrageous Accusation!
On Mitch Fox’s most excellent “Nevada Week in Review” television show on Friday, our good buddy, Bob Beers look-alike and CityLife editor Steve Sebelius had the nerve to say that many of us conservatives were “secretly happy” that the revenue projections laid down by the Economic Forum on Friday were about a billion dollars less […]
Still Need to Clear the Dead Wood
Gov. Jim Gibbons called the idea of raising taxes in the middle of this recession “foolish” – he’s right – and said he was going to propose cutting government employee pay by more than 6 percent to cover additional revenue shortfalls. But the governor also said he was going to avoid laying off any government […]
People Will Die!!!
In response to the governor’s announcement about government employee pay reductions, Democrat Speaker Barbara Buckley, true to form, squawked about the cuts without offering any alternative. She also defended adding about $72 million of spending back into Gov. Gibbon’s proposed budget – digging the budget hole deeper, as the governor put it – claiming apocalyptically […]
Where’s the Democrat Alternative?
Democrats yesterday whined and complained and bitched and kvetched about the governor’s new proposal for higher government employee pay cuts, with Speaker Buckley blasting Gibbons for “taking a slash and burn approach to budgeting.”
Gansert Must Go
Assemblywoman Heidi Gansert is the GOP’s Minority Leader. She’s already voted for, even advocated for, passage of the second largest tax hike in state history this month. And she’s been actively participating “at the table” in secret Democrat plotting to pass yet another ginormous tax hike before the session is over.
Tax Talk
The Economic Forum will meet tomorrow and tell legislators how much money they’ll have to work with in passing a budget for the next two years. It’s expected that projected revenue will be lower, meaning the government will need to do a little more tightening of the belt. Unless, of course, they insanely decide to […]