About That Wynn Lawsuit

As I was walking out the door to drive up to Carson City from Las Vegas yesterday morning, I received a phone call from Wynn Resorts chairman Steve Wynn, whose corporate attorney had sent me an email the night before threatening legal action against me for using a quote about tax hikes culled from an […]

Carson City, Here We Come

I’m driving to Carson City today so I can watch first-hand as certain Republicans vote for the Democrats’ billion dollar tax hike.

Gibbons Breaks His Word…Again

Gov. Jim Gibbons has broken his campaign pledge to “oppose and veto any and all efforts to increase taxes” so many times since being elected I’m starting to lose track. Well, he did it again yesterday, signing, rather than vetoing, a 20 percent tax hike on the cost of a marriage license. They say a […]

The Empire Strikes Back

Late Monday afternoon I sent out an email alert urging citizens to contact one of their elected leaders, Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio, and urge him not to support the billion dollar tax hike being spoon-fed to us by the Legislature this week. Pure petitioning of our government by private citizens, not paid lobbyists, on […]

Home Rules

To balance the unbalanced and irresponsible alternative budget Nevada legislators have now approved, Democrat Assembly Majority Leader John Oceguera of Las Vegas said over the weekend, “I guess we also have to raid the counties.”

Rat Heads in Coke Bottles Strike Again

SB 201 raises gas taxes in Washoe County even though the advisory question on this issue last November never once mentioned the word “taxes,” let alone that taxes would be raised. It passed in the Assembly on Friday 34-5, with seven Republican votes even though Republican Gov. Jim Gibbons has promised to veto the bill.

Sneak Attack on Truckers

Mass confusion this morning on a “Where’s Waldo” tax hike amendment to AB 235. It was approved late Friday night, but no one seems to have a copy of the actual language.

Instant Recall

Based on campaign promises made in the Republican primary last year, word on the street is that conservative activists in Washoe County are thinking about launching a recall effort against Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio (R-Reno) the minute he, as expected, votes for the billion dollar hike sometime this week.

Hide Your Wallet and Grab the Vaseline

The details are in all the papers, so let’s just summarize a few points about the Legislature’s BILLION DOLLAR TAX HIKE proposal which has finally been revealed to those of us who are about to get screwed by it.

Buget Bull

To provide a little more perspective to those of you foolish enough to buy the notion that the Legislature has already “cut to the bone” and, therefore, has no choice but to raise taxes, consider the following.

The Pod People are in Carson City!

Assemblywoman Sheila Leslie (D-Reno) is the Legislature’s most liberal member. In her years in office, Leslie has promoted one big-government, nanny-state program after another while supporting the never-ending blob-like growth of existing government programs. When it comes to government, Sheila Leslie likes it, she loves it, she wants more of it.

Are Nevadans as Stupid as Legislators Think?

For four months now, “elite” members of the Legislature have been meeting privately and secretly to not only devise a tax hike proposal to be dropped in the final two weeks of the session, but a Madison Avenue-like way to sell it so voters won’t get too mad at them.

Digging Through the Budget Bull

In trying to defend the indefensible tax hike her party is now spearheading in the Nevada Legislature, Assembly Higher Taxation Chairman Kathy McClain (D-Las Vegas) actually had the brass to tell the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Thursday, “We are in a hole that we have to get out of right now.”