Me and My Benz
The Assembly Ways & Means Committee, as Jonathan Humbert of Channel 8 News explains, is a “powerful group (of legislators which) controls spending and a large part of the tax revenue for Nevada.” Its chairman is Assemblyman Morse “Moose” Arberry.
The Chronicles of Whine-ia
Here’s the latest example of just how bad things are for poor, ol’ UNLV workers. Seriously, break out your hanky for this one from Laura Kaprelia [] folks. It’s a real tear-jerker.
Muth’s Truths: January 26th
Democrats in the Senate are looking at an electoral massacre this year. The Kennedy seat is gone. The Biden seat is on life-support. Dorgan is cashing it in. The Burris seat is up for grabs. Specter is going down. The Dodd seat is in jeopardy. Blanche Lincoln may well be retiring. Evan Bayh is in […]
Muth’s Truths: January 25th
Political reporter Ben Spillman of the Las Vegas Review-Journal has the scoop of the year in his Political Eye column this morning: “Donors back Democrats, Republicans.” Film at eleven.
Muth’s Truths: January 24th
Here’s a shocker: The Associated Press reports that “Americans are more than twice as likely to express prejudice against Muslims than they are against Christians, Jews or Buddhists, a new study found.” Gee, I wonder what could possibly account for THAT?
Team Lowden Having Trouble Getting its Sea Legs
From a letter-to-the-editor by Art Fahy in today’s Las Vegas Sun:
Muth’s Truths: January 23, 2010
Our friend and KXNT talk show host Casey Hendrickson will be shaving his head to raise money for St. Baldrick’s on March 6 to support kids with cancer. People can donate on behalf of his team HERE – although I have suggested they’d probably raise a lot more money if his lovely co-host, Heather Kydd, […]
Muth’s Truths: January 21, 2010
The Las Vegas Review-Journal headline reads this morning: “No job growth foreseen for LV Valley in 2010.” Now maybe I missed it, but has anyone seen even one substantial and immediately doable proposal to actually help employers and budding entrepreneurs actually create new jobs in Nevada by any of the gubernatorial candidates from any party?
Muth’s Truths: January 20, 2010
As Barack Obama enters his second year in office, allow me to state that as far as his efforts at ruining the nation’s economy, taking over the nation’s private companies, spending the nation into bankruptcy, destroying the nation’s health care system, raising taxes, treating terrorists like common street thugs, and stimulating unemployment are concerned….I continue […]
Muth’s Truths: January 19, 2010
Today is the day that Massachusetts voters could possibly derail ObamaCare by electing a Republican to fill the U.S. Senate vacancy created when Ted Kennedy died. Odds are against it actually happening; however, Republicans have already scored BIG in this contest just by making it close and forcing Obama to campaign on behalf of the […]
Muth’s Truths: January 18, 2010
Nevada Republicans began their annual Lincoln Day fundraising events in Ely on Saturday morning, and a veritable who’s-who of GOP elected officials and candidates showing up to lend their support to the local party. Rep. Dean Heller, Gov. Jim Gibbons, gubernatorial candidate Brian Sandoval, U.S. Senate candidates Sue Lowden, John Chachas, Sharron Angle, Mark Amodei […]
Team Tark Continues Twisting and Turning the Truth
Earlier today, the campaign of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian continued its dishonest DC-style attack campaign of twisting words around to make them mean whatever they want them to mean. Indeed, the Team Tarkanian eager beavers were so filled with unrestrained joy at finding what they thought was a major political muff by front-runner […]
Muth’s Truths: January 15th
Times & Seasons, a popular Mormon blog, named Harry Reid “Mormon of the Year” yesterday. The blog also named Tiger Woods “Husband of the Year” and Bernie Madoff “Financial Adviser of the Year.” President Barack Obama, of course, ran away with the “Light-Skinned African-American Politician without a Negro Dialect of the Year” award.
How to Get Out of Sensitivity Class
If this nation can’t get past its racist past, blame the race-hustlers, not whitey.
Muth’s Truths – January 12, 2010
Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Ben Spillman inked a story today which quotes Rainier Spencer, UNLV professor of African-American Studies, defending Harry Reid. Rainier says he doesn’t see why Harry Reid should apologize “other than using the archaic word Negro.” Three questions:
A Chink in Harry Reid’s Spic-and-Span Image
Republicans are perceived to be the party of moral values and when one of them falls off the wagon – or into bed with his best friend’s wife – the cries of “Hypocrite!” ring out loud and clear. As they should.
Muth’s Truths – January 9, 2010
• Hot off the press (hat tip: RalstonFlash): A new book coming out Monday reveals that Republican Sen. John Ensign once characterized Barack Obama as a “light-skinned” African American “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” What an outrageously insensitive racist thing to say! • No, wait. Sorry, it wasn’t Republican John […]