Mini-Muth’s Truths: May 12, 2010

• First things first. Congratulations to Nevada GOP Communications Director Ciara Turns, who is now Mrs. Ciara Mathews after marrying last week Andy Mathews, Communications Director for the Nevada Policy Research Institute. Let’s hope the new conservative power couple makes lots and lots of little conservative comunicators in the years ahead. We’re gonna need ‘em!

Governors & the Tax Pledge

The following is a list of incumbent governors and gubernatorial candidates around the country who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge promising voters of their states that they will oppose and veto any and all efforts to increase taxes. Forget “Where’s Waldo?” Let’s play “Where’s Sandoval?”

Mini-Muth’s Truths: May 10, 2010

• I haven’t watched professional basketball regularly since around the days of Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, but I think I’ll take an interest in the championship series coming up this week. Lakers or Jazz…doesn’t matter to me. As long as they beat Steve Kerr’s “Los” Suns!

Mini-Muth’s Truths: May 9, 2010

• Harry Reid says a lot of stupid, outrageous things, so his comments on a Univision program this morning won’t surprise….though they will, rightfully, get Republicans’ blood boiling once again.

Mini-Muth’s Truths: May 7, 2010

• Congratulations to Navy SEAL Matt McCabe who was cleared yesterday of charges that he gave a captured terrorist – the mastermind behind the Fallujah murder of those Blackwater employees – a fat lip and a punch to the stomach. Two other SEALs in the incident had already been cleared. • And while we’re happy […]

Hep C Victims Play, Hit Nevada’s Lawsuit Lottery

A licensed, highly-trained professional doctor in Las Vegas reportedly told his licensed, highly-trained professional nurses to reuse syringes to save money, ultimately and not surprisingly resulting in patients who were injected with the dirty needles becoming infected with Hepatitis C.

Mini-Muth’s Truths: May 6, 2010

• The Smoking Gun reports that “A Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screener is facing an assault rap after he allegedly beat a co-worker who joked about the size of the man’s genitalia after he walked through a security scanner.” The screener and his co-workers had been training with new “whole body image” machines which provide […]

Mini-Muth’s Truths: May 4, 2010

• In case you missed it, America’s Toughest Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, announced yesterday that he will not be running for governor of Arizona this year. Though the idea of forcing state legislators to meet in tents, eat green baloney and wear pink underwear had to have been tempting. Sheriff Joe will still be our First […]

Nevada GOP’s Voter Registration Opportunity Fading Fast

As you read yesterday I’m officially changing my party registration to Republican so I can vote in the GOP primary on June 8th. Depending on who the party nominates, I’ll either stay Republican or switch back to independent (current odds are 20-1 in favor of switching back). But that’s not the purpose of noting this […]

Mini-Muth’s Truths: May 3, 2010

• The Muth Troop went camping this weekend at a government-run campground on the Colorado River. So naturally, no cell or Internet service was available. Which actually wasn’t a bad thing. Until waking up this morning to over 600 email messages that piled up since last Friday morning. But we’re back from the wild and […]

Mini-Muth’s Truths: April 30, 2010

• There are still some skeptics out there who pooh-pooh automated phone polls, including the ones PMI, Inc. occasionally does for us and the Nevada News Bureau. • Since they’re automated, it’s always possible that some six-year-old is answering the phone instead of the mother or father of the house. However, the sheer number of […]

The GOP’s Ugly Choice in the Guv Primary

What’s a good Nevada Republican to do with the mess that is the GOP gubernatorial primary? The roster, for the record: incumbent Gov. Jim Gibbons, former North Las Vegas Mayor Mike Montandon, and former state assemblyman-turned-attorney general-turned-gaming commissioner-turned-federal judge-turned private citizen Brian Sandoval.

Mini-Muth’s Truths: April 29, 2010

CNS News reports today that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, the former governor of Arizona, told a Senate panel Wednesday that she knows the U.S.-Mexico border “as well as anyone,” and “I will tell you it is as secure now as it has ever been.” In unrelated news, Nevada Sen. Harry Reid said this morning […]

Mini-Muth’s Truths: April 28, 2010

The City of Las Vegas and Clark County are now entertaining the idea of combining some of their fire services rather than duplicating the efforts in order to save money. When Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak was asked why this hadn’t been done before by Face-to-Face host Jon Ralston, the Commish responded that there hasn’t […]

Mini-Muth’s Truths: April 27, 2010

The Wall Street Journal notes this morning that Ford Motor, the American automaker that did NOT take a government bailout, “reported a $2.1 billion first-quarter profit, raised its forecast for the year, and boosted its second-quarter North America production by another 30,000 vehicles.” Go figure.

Mini-Muth’s Truths: April 26, 2010

What a sign of the times to have the liberal Las Vegas Sun editorialize on Sunday that “government employees continue to enjoy overly generous benefits, including retirement pay unheard of in the private sector.” Meanwhile, liberal activists and Democrat elected officials are saying no to tax hikes while embracing the notion of setting government spending […]