Memo to GOP Leaders: There are Other Democrats in Nevada!
At the risk of offending my close, personal friends in the Nevada and Clark County Republican Party organizations (which, as everyone knows, I hardly EVER do), I nonetheless feel compelled to point out the obvious which they’ve obviously missed. Did you know that there are other Democrats serving in elected positions in Nevada other than […]
Mini-Muth’s Truths: June 25, 2010
• Yesterday, Rep. Dina Titus (D-Big Labor) voted in favor of H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE Act, which, as GOP opponent Joe Heck points out limits “only the political speech of corporations, with no effect on unions, including foreign-influenced labor unions, public-employee unions, or government grant recipients.” Remember in November.
Father of the Tea Party Movement
Did you know that the man many refer to as the “Father of the Tea Party Movement” got his political start in Reno, Nevada and now lives in Las Vegas? Here’s the scoop on the man with the plan from a recent Associated Press story:
Mini-Muth’s Truths: June 23, 2010
• I’m back. Took a post-primary week off with the kids. Did I miss anything? • Nevada Sen. John Ensign said on Tuesday that he opposes a ban on deepwater drilling – but it was unclear if he was talking about oil exploration or hanky-panky with staffers. • Um, sorry about that one. Couldn’t resist.
Legislature’s Kick-the-Can Budgeting Got Us into This Mess
Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Sandoval has said no-new-taxes, even though he hasn’t signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. And Democrat gubernatorial candidate Rory REID has said no-new-taxes, even though he hasn’t signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Yet Carson City’s lobbying corps is threatening legislative candidates, telling them they’ll get no money for their campaigns if they […]
Mini-Muth’s Truths: June 14, 2010
If John Ensign really wants to help Sharron Angle beat Harry Reid – and we have our doubts – he’d keep both his mouth and his zipper closed for the duration of this campaign.
Attention Angle-ophiles: Get Thee to a Dale Carnegie Seminar
Here’s a little unsolicited “tough love” advice for Sharron Angle supporters which I’m sure most will blow off – while others will want to blow my head off for daring to suggest.
Angle After-Action Report & Ta-Ta to Tark
Sharron Angle may be the GOP’s nominee, but the Tea Party Express and Club for Growth now own the Nevada U.S. Senate race. For all intents and purposes, they “bought” the nomination for Angle…and now it’s up to them to carry her all the way through to a general election win. If she loses, these […]
Election Reflections
Just a few random primary election observations.
Mini-Muth’s Truths: June 8, 2010
Tube Tips: I’ll be appearing on Mitch Fox’s election night show on Channel 10 in Las Vegas this evening from 8:00 – 9:00 pm, followed by a cameo shortly thereafter on KXNT 840 AM from around 9:00 – 10:00 pm.
Lauer’s Power and the Assault at Stoney’s
(Chuck Muth) – The following was published for Nevada Confidential subscribers yesterday, with updates that have been added today:
Mark Sherwood: RINO in Training?
(Chuck Muth) – If Republicans are ever going to get out of the minority in the Nevada Legislature, it’s not enough to just elect more Republicans; they need to elect better ones. Ones who know where to draw the line between standing on principle and selling out. Ones not afraid to take a firm stand. […]
Final 2010 Primary Election Selections
Subject to any last-minute additions, which I’ll add to this entry as an “Update,” here are my final suggestions on most of the races appearing on a ballot near you tomorrow.
Baby Tark Throws Temper-Tantrum at First Friday
The primary election is only three days away, and after it results in the third straight election loss for Danny Tarkanian, he might want to check himself into an anger management program. Or buy himself a case of pacifiers. Danny’s reputation for losing his cool when he doesn’t get his way is well known and […]
Fun & Games in the Public Administrator Race
I originally wasn’t going to write anything about a brewing brouhaha between two Republican candidates running for Public Administration in Clark County, but it’s like driving by a traffic accident – I just can’t help but look.
This Just In: A Late-Breaking Endorsement
Here’s another example of why you shouldn’t vote early: As you read yesterday, I was torn in the state Senate District 4 race between Todd Bailey and Ty Cobb, indicating that if I had voted yesterday, I might well have made my decision with a coin toss. And then I watched the SD 4 debate […]
More Election Selections
Again, I wouldn’t call these endorsements….just who I would vote for if I was voting today – which I’m not, because I agree with Jon Ralston that elections should be held on Election Day because you never know what bones or recorded phone messages could pop out of a candidate’s closet at the last minute.