Just When You Thought Ensign Had Gone as Low as You Can Go…

A few weeks ago it was revealed that Sen. John Ensign (R-Nevada) had established a legal defense fund. At the time it was believed that the shakedown….er, fund was established to help Ensign himself pay the legal bills associated with his indefensible defense of sleeping with a staffer’s wife, then helping the staffer illegally get […]

Scene and Herd on the Campaign Trail

The Las Vegas Business Press reports that “premiums for certain types of health insurance have started to escalate more rapidly than in recent years even though very few parts of (ObamaCare) have gone into effect.” Gee, who’d of ever predicted THAT would happen?

Pro-Tax GOPers vs. Anti-Tax IAPers

Les McKay, the Independent American Party (IAP) candidate for Assembly District 21, signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge this week. Neither the Republican challenger, Mark Sherwood, nor the Democrat incumbent, Ellen Spiegel, have similarly pledged to the voters of AD 21 that they will not vote to raise taxes if elected. This could be another race […]

The Beach Police

So I took the kids to the beach in San Diego for Independence Day, and what a sad reminder of how badly we’ve let our liberties slip in this country. Everybody was sitting on the beach having a blast – tossing footballs and Frisbees and building sand castles and such – when a pair of […]

We Want More from Sierra Ciara!

Ciara Matthews, communications czarina for the Nevada Republican Party, inked a thoughtful, insightful column on Sen. Harry Reid on Sunday, dispelling the myth that we need his power and position. Not only that, but it was written in plain English, not Washington-speak. Not once did she use the phrases “liberal cronies” or “out of touch.”

Looking for Wasteful Spending to Waste?

Harry Reid is working his re-election tail off to kill off Yucca Mountain, but the project remains on life support. This week, one federal agency told another federal agency that it can’t pull the project with approval of Congress. All of which leads me to two questions: Why are Nevada taxpayers continuing to fund a […]

Swine Fools

Remember the panic the government created over the swine flu and a shortage of vaccines against last year? Turns out things weren’t anywhere near as bad as the government predicted. “About a quarter of the swine flu vaccine produced for the U.S. public has expired,” reports the AP today, “meaning 40 million doses worth about […]

Jumping for Joy over Sandoval’s Education Reform Plan

Jon Ralston, Dean of Nevada Political Pundits, wrote in his e-newsletter this week that I was “ecstatic” about Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Sandoval’s education reform proposal. That was actually a race case of understatement by Mr. Ralston.

The Tire Pressure Police

In response to Comrade Sen. Mike Schneider’s bone-headed legislative proposal to use the compulsive power of government to force auto repair shops to check your tire pressure – or else! – reader Pete Fundis notes this sort of thing inevitably starts us down a slippery slope. “Chuck, maybe they’ll take this a little further,” Pete […]

Pay Raises for Health Dept. Workers in Recession?

As state and local governments battle budget deficits and spending cuts; as unemployment continues to soar; Joe Schoenmann of the Las Vegas Sun reported yesterday that “The Southern Nevada Health District board last week approved a $30,000 raise for its chief health officer and 5.5 percent raises for most of its 526 employees – and […]

From the Department of You’ve Gotta Be Freaking Kidding Me

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports this afternoon that in the middle of this Great Recession – with bankruptcies and foreclosures through the roof; with unemployment higher in Nevada than anywhere else in the free world; with an Energizer Bunny state budget deficit that seems to just keep growing and growing and growing; with public schools […]

Firefighter Union Boss Says We Have too Many Firefighters (Sort of)

(Chuck Muth) – In attempting to defend the indefensible – Clark County firefighters making more than $200,000 a year at taxpayer expense – firefighter union boss Ryan Beaman inked a guest op/ed to the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Sunday. In it, he wrote the following:

Another Boo-Hoo Story from an Armchair Job-Seeker

Some unemployed yahoo named Brian Hughes inked a letter-to-the-editor published by the Review-Journal on Sunday kvetching about Republicans who voted against extending his unemployment benefits.

Angle’s Mission Impossible: Putting GOP’s Humpty-Dumpty Back Together Again

(Chuck Muth) – When an NPR reporter asked me on Friday if I thought Sharron Angle needed to start reaching out to independents and Democrats for the general election, I said “no.” The reality is Sharron still hasn’t secured her base – and until she does that, there’s no sense trying to reach outside it. […]