Politics on the Rocks Rocks at Vic’s!

(Chuck Muth) – The only bad thing about last night’s re-boot of Politics on the Rocks – featuring Gov. Joe Lombardo and Congressman Mark Amodei – was that we sold out two weeks ago and so many of you on the waiting list couldn’t get in. Vic’s Las Vegas restaurant is not only absolutely beautiful, […]

Nevada’s Little Caucus That Shouldn’t

(Chuck Muth) – The Nevada Republican Party’s decision to hold a competing presidential caucus two days after the legislatively mandated presidential primary next February seems to be as popular among Republicans as wearing COVID face diapers. And the party’s reasoning for excluding the vast majority of Republican voters from participating in the nomination process – […]

The Senate Campaign Launched by a B-2 Stealth Bomber

(Chuck Muth) – A few years ago, I attended a very special air show at Nellis Air Force Base.  What made it so special was that it included a rare fly-over by a B-2 Stealth bomber. Freaking…WOW! Look, I’m an F-22 Raptor kinda guy.  I’m in love with that plane and what it can do. […]

The Grady Bunch Hits Senate Campaign Trail in Nevada

(Chuck Muth) – There are now eight announced Republican candidates vying for the GOP nomination in Nevada’s U.S. Senate race next year.  Today, the Las Vegas Sun published an interview with one of them: Tony Grady. Grady arrived on the political scene last year as a candidate for lieutenant governor.  Did pretty well for the […]

Nevada GOP Bumbles into Another Self-Inflicted Wound

(Chuck Muth) – If shooting yourself in the foot was an Olympic event, the Nevada Republican Party would be gold medal winners. Yesterday, the state GOP announced it will hold its presidential “caucus” on Thursday, February 8, 2024 – two days after the State of Nevada holds its legislatively-mandated presidential primary. The party sued to […]

Scam PAC and the Sam Brown Bailout 

(Chuck Muth) – On Saturday morning I received yet another of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown’s incessant “Me! Me! Me!” email fundraising pitches.  The subject line was… “It’s not looking good.” What he was writing about was his silly “competition” to see whether he or his wife can raise more money for his campaign […]

Lombardo Pulls Another Rabbit Out of the Hat

(Chuck Muth) – In “Outlaw Josey Wales,” Clint Eastwood played the title role as a man being hunted by lawless Union troops after the Civil War.  He and his sidekick, Jamie, kept getting away every time the Yankees thought they were cornered. After dodging yet another capture, Jamie remarked to Wales, “Whooped ‘em again, Josey.” […]

Nevada Democrats Refuse to Release Human Shield Hostages

(Chuck Muth) – Years ago, my friend, retired lieutenant colonel, and former congressman Allen West, was stationed in Afghanistan.  We had a “pen pal” email relationship going at the time, and I asked him about negotiating with the Taliban. Allen explained there was no way to reason with terrorists. They just don’t care. I was […]

Join Us for an Evening with Gov. Lombardo & Congressman Amodei

(Chuck Muth) – Let me start with this… The upcoming “Politics on the Rocks” event in Las Vegas described below was offered to Inner Circle members on Monday before this announcement to the general public. There are only 100 tickets available total – and Inner Circle members, at the time I sent this out, have […]

Put-Up-or-Shut-Up Time for Dems over Opportunity Scholarships

(Chuck Muth) – Tomorrow, the Legislature’s “Interim Finance Committee” (IFC) – controlled by Democrats – will meet to approve or reject Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo’s proposal to use $3.2 million in unspent COVID relief funds to restore money Democrats cut from the Opportunity Scholarship program in this year’s session. Democrats have lost the moral high […]

Rapinoe Blows Penalty Kick, U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Embarrasses Itself

(Chuck Muth) – Good morning! Karma has bitten the anti-American U.S. Women’s Soccer Team.  They were knocked out of the World Cup this morning by Sweden in overtime after three Americans, including Trump-hating Megan Rapinoe, choked and missed penalty kicks. After blowing the shot, Rapinoe – who is thankfully retiring this year – was caught […]

Triple Threat Today: School Choice, Sam Brown, and the Grady Bunch

(Chuck Muth) – In Georgia, State Rep. Mesha Mainor, recently left the Democrat plantation and re-registered as a Republican. The straw that broke the camel’s back? School choice. The former Democrat noted that many families have found it necessary to unlawfully use false addresses of friends and family members in order to get into better […]

Smashing the Arguments Against Gov. Lombardo’s Scholarship Rescue Plan

  (Chuck Muth) – Democrats hate the idea of kids getting a good education and learning to think for themselves.  Because they know that an educated kid is more likely to grow up and be a Republican. So in the 2023 Legislature, they cut funding for school choice Opportunity Scholarships for low-income families. Of course, […]

Don’t Worry, Be Happy: An Evening with Mark Amodei and Joe Lombardo!

(Chuck Muth) – It was almost exactly 14 years ago that Citizen Outreach held its first “First Friday Happy Hour” featuring former Congressman John Shadegg (R-AZ) as our VIP guest-of-honor. We held it at the old Stoney’s Rock ‘n Country down by the Southpoint Casino in Las Vegas, which was/is owned (at a new location) […]

Some Unsolicited Advice for the Sam Brown Senate Campaign

(Chuck Muth) – Marketing experts Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels of Veritus Group ask a very important – if not somewhat uncomfortable for some – question… “Is your organization [campaign] a conversational narcissist? You know the type. Every letter they send is all about what great work they’re doing and how awesome they are. It’s […]

BREAKING: Gov. Lombardo Rescues Opportunity Scholarships!

(Chuck Muth) – Christmas came early this afternoon for some 600 low-income, minority kids who were about to be forced back into failing public schools. Nevada Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo announced this afternoon that he’s found a way to restore funding for school-choice Opportunity Scholarships that “George Wallace” Democrats cut during the recently concluded session […]

Shots Fired: White “Donut Boy” Lashes Out at Hispanic Mama Bear

(Chuck Muth) – Let’s set the scene for this tragedy… In the last school year, Opportunity Scholarships – privately funded donations from corporations that get a tax credit for participating in the program just like other charitable gifts – were capped at $11 million. The scholarships – which can be used by students to attend […]