Candidate turn out for Tax Pledge Friday

We had a great time at last week’s First Friday Happy Hour as candidate after candidate came forward to ink the Taxpayer Protection Pledge with Assemblyman John Hambrick (R-Las Vegas) and conservative talk-show host Alan Stock serving as official witnesses of the signing ceremonies.

Candidates who joined us in putting their promise to the voters of their districts that they will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes included…

NOTE: U.S. Sen. Dean Heller, as well as Rep. Joe Heck of Nevada’s 3rd congressional district and Rep. Mark Amodei of Nevada’s 2nd congressional district have all already signed the Pledge.

  • Jose Padilla, candidate for Nevada’s 1st congressional district
  • Niger Innis, candidate for Nevada’s 4th congressional district
  • Eddie Hamilton, candidate for governor
  • Mike Little, candidate for lieutenant governor
  • Tom Jones, candidate for state controller
  • Lou Baker, candidate for state senate in District 2
  • Lisa Myers, candidate for state senate in District 8
  • Carl Bunce, candidate for state senate in District 20
  • Shelly Shelton, candidate for state assembly in District 10
  • Matt Yarborough, candidate for state assembly in District 14
  • Richard Bunce, candidate for state assembly in District 22
  • Brent Jones, candidate for state assembly in District 35
  • Vicki Dooling, candidate for state assembly in District 41
  • Howard Scheff, candidate for state assembly in District 42
  • Ed Klapproth, candidate for Clark County Public Administrator
  • Cindy Lake, candidate for Clark County Commission G

“It will be easy to uphold my pledge to not raise taxes when I am elected Clark County Commissioner,” said Cindy Lake.  “As a tax payer, I deserve better representation and so do all the citizens of Clark County.  I was so excited to sign the Pledge, I arrived early!”

Niger Innis seconded that emotion.  “I am proud to sign the Pledge not to vote for a tax increase,” he said.  “My pledge is to the voters of CD-4 and the American people and will not be broken.”

“A core Republican principle is that the individual will spend their money more efficiently and invest it more wisely than any government agency,” Richard Bunce added. “In signing this pledge I am reaffirming  that principle.”

“Signing the Tax Pledge is important because it acknowledges that you understand how our economy works and grows,” concluded Carl Bunce.  “Money left in the hands of individuals and business owners grows our economy, which helps everyone. Excess taxes taken by government creates stagnation.”

Also, although he was unable to attend the Tax Pledge Friday event, Rodney Bloom, candidate for Assembly District 37 in Reno faxed me his signed Pledge this week.

Candidates who have not yet signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge can download the form by going to


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