Boys Will Be Boys, Unless…

(Chuck Muth) – In case you haven’t yet downloaded your free copy of my new book, “The Other Side of Jacky Rosen,” here are some excerpts from Chapter 6 on an issue all over the news these days…

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In the 1990 movie “Kindergarten Cop,” Arnold Schwarzenegger played an undercover police officer who found himself teaching a kindergarten class.  In one memorable scene, a young boy deadpans, “Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.”

At the time, who would have ever thought such a simple, accurate statement would become controversial?

In the early 1970s, comedian Flip Wilson had audiences rolling the aisles when he dressed as a woman and performed as the sassy Geraldine Jones.  Wilson didn’t claim to be a woman.  He was just dressing up like one.

But those fun-filled days are over.  No longer is it acceptable to find men pretending to be women funny.  Comedians are being “cancelled” for daring to tell jokes about the transgender community.

And then there’s the whole issue of men competing in women’s sports.

In a profile article published in 2018, the Nevada Independent reported that Sen. Rosen noted that “when she was young there weren’t even sports teams for girls at her school.”

Well, it’s back to the future.  Yes, there are now sports teams for girls in high schools and colleges.  However, some of those teams now include biological men.

“Been angry for years now,” tennis great Martina Navratilova wrote about the controversy.  “The unfairness is off the charts. I will say it again – keep women’s sports female. It is not the place for failed male athletes.”

Nor are women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms.  But Sen. Rosen doesn’t agree.

In 2019, she co-sponsored a bill to expand Title IX to include transgender students.  Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school that receives funding from the federal government.

In 2021, she cosponsored the “Equality Act” which, among other things, specifically stated that “an individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility – including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room – that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity.’’

And in March 2024, she voted against an amendment proposed by Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville that would have prevented men from competing in women’s sports.

His amendment would have withheld federal funding for any college or university “that permits any student whose biological sex (recognized based solely on a person’s reproductive biology at birth) is male to participate in an athletic program or activity designated for girls or women.”

All 51 Biden Democrats – including Sen. Rosen – voted against the Tuberville amendment.


Nevada Volleyball Player Speaks Out, Planning to Sit Out Game Next Week
According to ESPN, there are 23 states with laws restricting transgender athletes in some capacity. Nevada is not one of them. (KTVN)

UNR offers support for volleyball players, but won’t back protest
“Players are not authorized to forfeit the match – this decision is one that only the university and our department of athletics can officially make.” (LVRJ)

SAUNDERS: Transgender sports rift is officially a Nevada election issue
There’s something rotten in our politics when university brass and elected officials gang up on students who see the world for what it is in an attempt to make them buckle to an illusion. (LVRJ)

Taxpayer-Funded Texts: Is Nevada’s Secretary of State Politically Biased?
Why is Secretary Aguilar using taxpayer money to solely turnout this demographic, which gives clear partisan strategic advantage cloaked as “civic participation.” (NN&V)

On the Record With Lisa Cole, GOP Candidate for Assembly District 4
Cole provides insights on the issues impacting her constituents and Nevadans at large: the economy, water, energy, land development, housing, and crime. (Nevada Globe)

On the record: Assembly District 41 candidates Sandra Jauregui and Rafael Arroyo
A Democrat seeking her fifth term in the Assembly is facing off with a GOP business owner in a key Clark County district. (Indy)

Sign depicting Nevada assembly candidate in hijab draws criticism
A political billboard depicting a Muslim candidate running for the Nevada legislature in a hijab is drawing criticism. (KLAS)

EDITORIAL: Why California tech millionaires keep moving to Nevada
James Carville once famously said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Something similar sums up why successful California business leaders keep coming to Nevada. It’s the business climate, stupid. (LVRJ)


  • Video: Trans volleyball player smashes woman in the face. X
  • Video: Trans men in women’s sports. Funny…but not funny. X
  • Kamala appears bombed at a campaign rally. X
  • The white liberal woman is the worst type of human known to mankind. I’d rather live next to a home of lepers then one of these. X
  • Donald Trump obliterates “Loser” Kamala Harris after she claimed he was “exhausted.” X
  • 180,000 new Amish voters in response to Democrats raiding Amos Miller Organic Milk Farm. X
  • WWE’s Kane and Undertaker respond to Bautistas endorsement of Harris. X
  • Insurance fraud attempt caught on camera. X
  • Pig resists arrest: The funniest thing on the internet. X
  • Whale takes a sh*t at Sea World San Antonio, crowd gets splashed right after. X
  • A Day Without Steve Inman is a Day Without Sunshine. X


For my most up-to-date list of recommendations, click here.

NOTE: These recommendations are subject to change right up through Election Day.


“Mark Cuban and Rachel Maddow are the same person. Don’t believe conspiracy theorists who claim otherwise!” – Elon Musk

“If your boyfriend is voting for Kamala Harris, dump him. Chances are you’re both sleeping with other men.” – @MarindaVannoy1

“Tonight I voted for @realDonaldTrump for the first time after bashing him on the news for 8 years. He’s not my first choice … or even my 50th … but I now see how the Progressive left uses him as a boogeyman to distract from their deadly failures. I’m not falling for it anymore.” – Brandi Kruse

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of  You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at  His views are his own.


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