It seems that every session of the Legislature, Republicans elect one complete goofball who insists on making himself or herself a political target for my perverse pleasure. And we have our winner for 2011: Freshman Assemblyman Mark Sherwood. Come on down!
Sherwood first hit my radar screen a little over a year ago when, as a candidate, he informed me via email that he decided not to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge after conferring with special interest lobbyists and moderate, wishy-washy GOP leaders who support higher taxes and who told him not to sign the Pledge.
It went downhill from there.
During this current legislative session, Sherwood – who apparently fancies himself a cross between Karl Rove and James Carville – has been the leading voice of the Capitulation Caucus – Assembly Republicans who have attempted to undermine fellow Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval by pre-emptively negotiating for tax hikes with the Democrats. Indeed, Sherwood has told people that he was negotiating for higher taxes in order to “save” the governor.
And don’t even get me started on his embarrassing appearance a few weeks ago on Jon Ralston’s Face-to-Face program in which he insisted on doing his lame Ross Perot imitation on-camera despite the host’s best efforts to keep the guy from making a complete ass-clown of himself.
Which brings us to this weekend, when Sherwood decided to send the following email to every Republican member of the Nevada Legislature EXCEPT Assemblyman Ed Goedhart…I’m assuming because he knew Goedhart and I work closely together and was afraid Goedhart would forward the email to me. Alas, I got it anyway. Nice try, Mark.
From: “”
Date: May 28, 2011 8:27:43 PM PDT
Subject: RE: Muth’s Truths: May 25, 2011Republican
Chuck Muth is not good for the Nevada Republican Party. We need to collectively reject his bi-polar ‘support’. He is not a Republican. He is an opportunist who is far more interested in chasing his next paycheck than truly advancing the conservative cause.
Let’s build the state and county parties the right way and reject Idiot Muth and his Jesse Jackson style tactics.
I’m not sure what Jesse Jackson has to do with any of this, but apparently Assemblyman “Einstein” missed a memo. I haven’t been an operative for the Republican Party in over a decade now, and re-registered as an “independent” over four years ago. I don’t claim to be a Republican, nor is it my job to “build the state and county parties.”
If anything, my job is to help cull from the GOP herd certain elected Republicans who are either too liberal or too stupid….or both. And with that in mind, I want to thank Assemblyman Sherwood for volunteering to be my personal #1 GOP target for electoral defeat in 2012.
Sherwood currently represents Republican-friendly District 21 in Henderson. Potential primary challengers are encouraged to send their resume and statement of interest to