On the eve of Opening Day of the 2015 Nevada Legislature, State Controller Ron Knecht, an economist by trade, released the first of what he announced would be a monthly report from his office. Gov. Brian “America’s Worst Governor” Sandoval (R&R-Advertising) cannot be happy.
Some highlights from the report…
“Nevada does not have a problem of insufficient revenues. The problem is a failure to reasonably manage state spending…”
“Nevada’s spending problem is part of a 60-year national trend of government being bigger than the levels that maximize economic growth and thus human well-being, and yet still continuing to grow relative to the economy and the incomes of families and businesses.”
“We would have much higher incomes and more jobs today if we had reasonably restrained the growth of government.”
“We should ignore misleading budget-cut claims by the special interests that benefit from public spending, and focus instead on the actual year-to-year spending levels.”
“(T)he great K-12 spending growth of a few years ago has not yielded any improvement in student achievement. So, the Governor’s proposals to repeat those mistakes with big new increments of K-12 spending should be rejected.”
“The Governor’s proposed margins tax is one of the worst ideas, and it should be rejected.”
In a separate email to columnist Tom Mitchell, Knecht added, “I also think the sunset taxes should … sunset.”
You can read the full report by clicking here