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About those Obnoxious, Provocative Conservatives

While it is true that Ass. Mark Surewould (R-Uranus) is the dumbest Republican in Nevada politics today, there are some liberals in the blogosphere who are valiantly trying to give him a run for his money. Case in point: Justin McAffee.

According to his blog, J-Mac “studied political science at UNLV and the College of Southern Nevada.” Doesn’t say he ever got a degree in political science; only that he studied it. But apparently not too hard, as evidenced by a recent post calling for the recall of conservative state Sen. Michael Roberson (R-Henderson).

J-Mac writes that Roberson is “obnoxious,” “provocative” and “conservative,” maintaining that “The last thing we need is more extreme teabagger Republicans in Carson City.” Of course, his use of the “provocative” word teabagger says all you really need to know about this guy’s political agenda.

But let’s get to the meat of J-Mac’s recall fever….which tells us all we really need to know about why he apparently only studied political science and never quite mastered it:

“Nothing got done in 2011 (in the Nevada Legislature) because these guys are the party of ‘hell no.’ Balance the budget to keep government at current funding level? Hell no! Sweeping cuts to programs that help average working class Nevadans during hard economic times? Of course!

“Because of Roberson, college students got a tax increase of 15% in the form of tuition increases. College students are struggling to make it, but Roberson doesn’t care. He also cut our K-12 funding, which is already the lowest in the country.”

What a boob. Here’s why: Conservative, obnoxious, provocative Republicans were in the minority in the state Senate AND the state Assembly.

The budget that was passed with a reduction in general fund spending was passed by Senate and Assembly DEMOCRATS, with a little help from wishy-washy moderate Republicans. Conservative, obnoxious, provocative Republicans didn’t vote for that budget.

The so-called “sweeping cuts” to cherished liberal programs were passed by Senate and Assembly DEMOCRATS, with collaborative help from wishy-washy moderate Republicans. Conservative, obnoxious, provocative Republicans voted against the budget deal and, therefore, against those “sweeping cuts.”

Likewise, that 15% hike in tuition was passed by Senate and Assembly DEMOCRATS, and moderate, wishy-washy Republicans. Conservative, obnoxious, provocative Republicans didn’t vote for that tuition increase.

Conservative, obnoxious, provocative Republicans also didn’t cut K-12 funding. It was DEMOCRATS and wishy-washy moderate Republicans who voted for that budget, not Roberson and his fellow conservative “teabaggers.”

So all of the supposed bad things done in the last legislative session were passed by the DEMOCRATS, and a few wishy-washy moderate Republicans, not the obnoxious, provocative conservatives.

Care for a towel to wipe that egg off your embarrassed red face, J-Mac?


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

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